Help Kids Grow their Faith
I received this product for free in order to share my honest opinion and review. However, my opinions are solely my own. And I only share and recommend products that I believe will be of value to my audience. 

Our kids already quite enjoy learning about the Bible. I believe it really stems from creating a culture in our home for them to learn about Jesus in ways that are at their age level, creative and fun. There are many ways to help kids grow their faith. As parents, we understand the importance of teaching kids early on about Jesus and the impact that the Word of God can have in their life.

Deuteronomy 6:7 NLT is referring to the Word of God when it says: “Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.”

The verse is encouraging us, commanding us to share Jesus with our children every chance that we get. Today, I want to share 3 quick ways to help kids grow their faith.

3 Quick Ways to Help Kids Grow their Faith

1. Read the Bible.

Reading the Bible seems like the obvious. Kids grasp a better understanding of the Word of God when they read and study the Word on their level.

Moments with Jesus Encounter Bible is a powerful resource targeted at ages 4-12. It contains “20 Immersive Stories from the Four Gospels” with bible verses included at the start of each chapter. This allows you to read the verse directly from scripture and begin the immersive bible stories.

3 Quick Ways to Help Kids Grow their Faith

This book is gorgeously illustrated that captivates the child’s attention. Each story colorfully depicts the stories from the Gospel. The book can be used in so many settings like for homeschool, at home and at church. Most importantly to connect children to the truth of God’s Word on a level that they would understand.

The “Let’s Talk About It” at the end of each chapter reinforces the readings. They allow for the child to think more deeply about what was read. It is a great resource for parents, teachers, preachers, and the like. Continue to read until the end for your chance to win a free copy of the book.

2. Pray and meditate.

Kids can pray and meditate at just about any age. The key is keeping it simple. Prayers can be as simple as breath prayers like “Jesus loves me”, “Thank you Jesus”, “Jesus keep me safe”. And meditations based on scripture can be as simple as “Jesus cares for me” from I Peter 5:7. When we meditate on God’s Word, the Word of God gets deeper into our hearts, minds and souls.

3. Create and use a Gratitude Journal.

This year for our homeschool, we started using gratitude journals and they have been a great addition  to our day. They help the kids to focus on the positive each day and teaches kids to be thankful.

3 Quick Ways to Help Kids Grow their Faith

Enter for your chance to win a free copy of Moments With Jesus Encounter Bible here.

3 Quick Ways to Help Kids Grow their Faith

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