3 Things to Jump Start Your Weight Loss

Jump Start Your Weight Loss. I continued to workout throughout the majority of my pregnancy. Yet and still, my body did not “bounce” back into its pre-pregnancy shape, form or condition. For some women, that is the case, God bless them and for others like me, we have to work our butts off, literally, to see change. It is true that it gets tougher the older you get and the more kids that you have and I have both of those things working against me.3 Things to Jump Start Your Weight Loss-3

First off, I don’t suggest a serious workout routine until at least 8-10 weeks after baby. At this point, you would have had your 6 weeks checkup and given the thumbs up from your doctor to start a fitness routine. Also at this point, baby should be settling in somewhat into a routine of their own which allows you to determine a good time to workout without having to choose between a workout and a nap.

So here are 3 Things to Jump Start Your Weight Loss.

  1. Take Inventory – Watch what you eat…this does not mean cutting calories. I told you my story about cutting calories in my Postpartum Notes to Self. So I’m not talking about cutting calories but I’m talking about looking at what you eat and making better choices. Like yogurt versus giving into those mid-day chocolate chip cookie cravings and eating the whole bag. To help with this I have been using the MyFitnessPal app. In the profile section, under goals, I selected “maintain weight”. That way I’m monitoring what I eat without cutting calories. The weight loss comes in when #2 is applied…
  2. Get Moving – Walking is the easiest and less taxing exercise that anyone can do besides water exercise. I started by taking walks in our neighborhood with the kids and baby in stroller around week 4 postpartum, just to get adjusted to physical activity. And started my real routine with cardio and strength training with baby at 10 weeks, which I will share in an upcoming post…exactly what I’ve been doing and my progress.
  3. Drink Up – If you haven’t already made drinking lots of water a habit. Here is yet another opportunity. Start increasing your water intake. Drink a glass of water before and after eating…that at least puts you at 6 cups per day. Since I’m nursing, I drink water during each feeding or before and after each feeding…because I stay thirsty. We know that we need water for our bodies in general but it also helps curve cravings and helps us to feel full so that we don’t over eat.

I hope that these tips Jump Start your way to a successful weightless journey!! What other tips have you used for jump starting weight loss?






1 Comment

  1. Such great tips! I definitely love the idea of easing back into working out just by walking. So simple but impactful. I have to do better about my water intake so I thanks for the suggestion in that regard. Good stuff!!

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