3 Things To Teach Your Kids


We learn something new everyday and so does our kids. So we must make sure that they are learning the right things. Here are 3 things to teach your kids from a biblical perspective. I’ve also included its practical use in our home as examples.

1. HONESTYHonesty is the best policy.

John 8:32 (KJV) “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

When you mess up, fess up! The truth will set you free; even if you feel it may hurt those around you or that you may get in trouble. Being honest ALWAYS wins. Ultimately, being dishonest holds you back from being your BEST.

Practical Use: At our home, we tell the kids, if they tell the truth; they will not get into trouble no matter what it is because we feel that strongly about honesty, even though we would be disappointed. But to be honest, we’re still working on it. Sometimes the kids still are not honest and they end up getting in trouble just for not being honest. The things they do are SO minor; we just want them to be honest!

2. FORGIVENESS Forgiveness is always available to you and to others. 

1 John:9 (KJV) “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Genuinely accepting an apology is just as important as saying sorry.

Practical Use: We make sure that everyone in our home forgives each other when they’ve done wrong to another. So if one of the kids hits the other or says something not nice for whatever reason, they are to apologize. We as parents, if we do or say something that was wrong; we make sure that we apologize to the kids. I remember fussing at my daughter for something that ended up not being her fault. So, I humbly went to her and asked her to forgive me. We must make sure that as we teach these things, that we are also leading by example.

3. LOVE – You are Loved

Jeremiah 31:3 (KJV) “…I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.”

God is love and he loves you no matter what. There is no fear in love so you never have to be afraid to be yourself.

Practical Use: We’re teaching the kids that love is not found in material things, how much you have or what you have. We’ve cut back on giving them so much “stuff” and replaced that with spending more time with them; playing games, watching movies…undivided attention quality time; moreso, relationship building. And of course, telling them we love them and them telling each other. But most importantly, we teach them God’s love, which is far greater than the love of a parent or anyone else; unconditional and unfailing.


  1. I also try and teach my girls Kindness and giving back to others. I want them to think of others and give and not want.

    1. Author

      Kindness and giving back are awesome things to teach kids as well! We definitely need more of it in the world. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Yes, I agree. As much as we attempt to teach them these 3 things life and society gets in the way and influences them otherwise. Like maybe “peer pressure”?

    1. Author

      I totally agree about society! Peer pressure would be another great thing to teach them…how to combat or overcome it! Thanks so much for chiming in!

  3. These are excellent principles to teach our kids! We require that our family asks one another for forgiveness after we’ve apologized and helped with restitution(if required).

    1. Author

      That’s so awesome Michelle! I love hearing that! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Proverbs 22:6 (KJV) Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Great principles to teach our Kids!

    1. Author

      Yes, yes, and yes! I love that scripture and that’s our main goal as parents. Thanks so much for chiming in!

  5. These are great!

    1. Author

      Thanks Janae and thanks for stopping by!

    1. Author

      Thanks so much Brenda! And thanks for stopping by!

  6. I love what you are teaching your children! Great things to know!

    1. Author

      Thanks so much and thanks so much for stopping by!!

  7. I really love this. I think the biggest thing I try to teach my kids is kindness and patience! I’m adding some of these verses to our memory work list.

    1. Author

      Kindness and Patience are awesome things to teach kids! It’s also much needed in our world. I love that you have a memory work list. I haven’t incorporated one yet since they have memory verses at church already. Great idea. Thanks for stopping by and sharing.

  8. I haven’t had children yet, and am kind of terrified of the prospect of trying to raise them right. I definitely love all three of these teachings and insights, thanks for the tips!

    1. Author

      Yes, it is an awesome responsibility but nothing to be frightened about. I’m sure you’ll do just fine. I am still definitely learning and some by trial and error. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  9. I’ve been working on forgiveness a lot lately with my Kiddies. They are always so loving and pretty honest but when it comes to holding grudges and reacting to hurt they get that bit of stubborness from both sides and we are trying so hard to teach them that forgiving is for them and the other person. Great Post!

    1. Author

      Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing Tiffany! It’s so easy to hold grudges and react to hurt in the wrong way…I think we just have to keep reinforcing it until they get it.

  10. These are all solid for children and should be a reminder for us adults. It is so easy to get wrapped up in a moment then forget what it important!

  11. Such a great post <3 It's so hard to forget they're watching and learning from us and we need to be guiding them in the right direction.

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