5 Tips for a Less Stressful Fall
This post is sponsored by College Dudes help U Move.

Fall is my favorite season of all seasons. Mainly because the temps begin to drop a little where I live. And I can begin layering my clothes.

But as much as I love the Fall for my wardrobe’s sake, Fall can be a busy time.

Summer is ending and schools are starting back up.

And as Homeschoolers, I am beginning to lesson plan and at the same time get our oldest girl ready to enter her second year of high school at private school.

There are so many moving parts, and it can be a stressful time.

So today I’m sharing 5 tips to help make our Fall a bit less stressful.

5 Tips for a Less Stressful Fall

Declutter and organize your space now.

Let’s face it, looking at clutter can stress anyone out. So, by decluttering and organizing now, it will help to alleviate some stress in the upcoming season.

It does not have to be your entire house.

Good grief, that would take forever and could be overwhelming. So, this could just be your office space. Or for us, our Homeschool space.

Think about the spaces that you use most that you walk into every day.

Because these are the spaces that will give you more of a calming or a chaotic feeling. And you want those spaces decluttered and organized to leave you with a calming feeling.

This doesn’t have to be a huge chore or event.

So, to declutter, start with creating 3 piles: A trash, keep, and a giveaway pile.

Then organize the “Keep” pile into their own space.

I have found the saying “a place for everything and everything in its place” to be key to keeping things organized.

Don’t overcommit.

This is a biggie. There is literally only 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week.

And the thing is, we were never made to fill every second of our day with “doing stuff”. It’s so easy to stay busy, to crowd our schedule for the sake of feeling productive. But less stressful people, schedule their time well.

They don’t overcommit themselves.

I’ve learned that this can mean, learning the art of saying “no”. And being comfortable with FOMO, the fear of missing out. We do not have to be everywhere, always, doing all the things, because we think, we are missing out on something.

There is a time and season for everything under the sun, and believe me, you do not have to be involved with everything to have an awesome life. I’ve found that it’s quite the opposite. Filling our life with the things that matter MOST, makes for a better life.

In doing so, I’ve found it helpful to not sign our children up for every activity. Or ourselves for that matter. But be realistic about your schedule. We made this mistake earlier on and paid for it. We were always driving somewhere to games and such. Straight from work to taking the kids “somewhere”. It quickly resulted in burn out.

So, we make a point to be cognizant of the ratio of yours and your kids’ activities to our overall calendar of activities.

Don’t forget to add in REST.

I picked up this tip from some wise Homeschool moms who add in a rest after every 7 weeks of schooling. And another tip from a Homeschool mom, who added in a “quiet time” each day for the kids which gave both her and the kids a break.

I feel like I owe her years and years of gratitude for this tip. Because I’ve used it for the past several years and it has been golden. A true sanity saver because we all need rest.

This includes mental, physical, and spiritual rest. We must be sure that we get them all in. To feel fully rested.

So be sure to schedule in self-care as well as vacation for the Fall semester. Self-care is a term that’s been circling around big time, but it is not to be taken lightly. Self-care can be as simple as taking time to read your favorite book, grabbing a cup of coffee, or heading to the spa.

Deep clean your home for the Fall.

Most tend to do a deep house cleaning around Spring. Hence the phrase “spring cleaning”. But why not a deep clean the house for Fall too?

We hire cleaners to do deep cleans. It helps with the overall maintenance of the home.

And it will kick Fall off with a cleaner, fresher start.

Get help moving this Fall.

Whether you are moving your college aged kids into their dorms or their apartments this Fall, changing locations or just need help moving that hot tub that you’re installing for those chilly fall evening, hiring movers will help to cut the stress big time.

5 Tips for a Less Stressful Fall

College Dudes Help U Move, is a full-service moving company in NC. And they move anything and everything. You can find them packing, delivering or catch them hot tub moving in Charlotte NC. Maybe it’s the hot tub that you’re installing on your deck just in time for Fall.

Well, I hope that you’ve found these tips helpful. Here’s to wishing you all a happy and less stressful Fall!

5 Tips for a Less Stressful Fall