Can You Just Sit With Me? Podcast is a place to just sit with others in grief. Hear hope-filled stories and know you are not alone. LISTEN HERE

Theo Boyd, Author of "Your Grief Is Not Like Mine" joins Natasha for an honest conversation about the uniqueness of grief for each person.

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Rachel Marie Kang, Author of "The Matter of Little Losses" joins Natasha for a conversation about the importance of navigating all loss.

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Ashley & Chuck Elliot, Authors of "I Used to Be____" joins Natasha to chat about navigating change, the loss of identity, and other losses and practical ways to cope.


How to Find Hope, Joy, and Community in Grief

The journey through grief is a deeply personal and challenging one, marked by feelings of isolation, pain, and hopelessness. In times of grief and loss, it can often feel like the walls are closing in, and the darkness is overwhelming. However, amidst the despair, there is always a glimmer of

Claire Bidwell Smith on How to Sit with Conscious Grieving

In this episode of the Can You Just Sit With Me? pocast, I sit with my guest Claire Bidwell Smith, a renowned grief therapist, who shares insights into her personal and professional journey with grief. Claire discusses her early experiences of loss, having lost both parents to cancer by the

How to Find Hope in Grief and Transformation Through Loss

In this episode of Can You Just Sit With Me, I engage in conversation with Whitney K. Pipkin, a journalist and author of We Shall All Be Changed: How Facing Death with Loved Ones Transforms Us. Whitney shares her personal journey through grief following her mother’s death from cancer, exploring

How to Sit With Life, Loss, and Hope with Sarah Bell

Grief is always the uninvited guest. So how do we navigate this thing called grief in our life? How do we navigate the loss and void it has caused in our life? And how do we navigate it all with hope? In this episode of the Can You Just Sit


Can You Just Sit With Me? Podcast. Listen in for real conversations on grief and how to find Hope.



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Community Testimonials… JOIN US

Thank you for creating this group. I’m in several for widows, and I can confidently say this one is my favorite. Validating my feelings and giving me a space to just BE – – yet reminding me to turn to the Lord and lay my burdens (grief) down at the foot of the Cross. -Erin

Thank you Can You Just Sit With Me? Grief Community for sharing, sitting with me and creating this space. I lost my sweet sister to suicide Saturday September 24th. I appreciate these posts help me not feel alone in this horrible situation and grief. -Karen