Thread, fabric scraps, scissors, needles, a cutting board and a sewing machine could all be found in my parents’ bedroom when my mom was sewing a garment. She is a seamstress by trade and growing up as the eldest in a family with 9 siblings, that gift of creating surely came in handy for her. Although she held other jobs, her career was built as a seamstress working in different sewing factories in the area as there were many around during that time. I can remember sitting at my mom’s feet watching her sew and ready to help when she’d say, “Thread this needle for me”; I was so eager to do so! My mom was awesome at sewing and she still brags about it today. If I mention that I’m making a dress, she’ll say, “Oh, that’s easy, nothing to that…all you have to do is cut out your material and zooooo on one side and zoo zoo on the other side”! “Zooo zoo” is the sound of the sewing machine, lol! I so enjoy telling her when I’m working on a new piece because she gets just as excited about it as I am and I contact her when I get stuck with a sewing technique as I am still a Seamstress in progress. I love my mom so much and it’s cool how I had no idea at the time, that I was learning so much by just sitting at her feet. It reminds me of the story in the bible of Mary and Martha. When Jesus came to their house, Martha was busy cleaning and doing things around the house while Mary chose to sit at the feet of Jesus. Martha asked Jesus if he would tell Mary to help her and Jesus told her that Mary has chosen what was best; to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn of him. Luke 10:38-42