I was excited to attend to the statewide kickoff to Black History Month at the 17th Annual African-American Cultural Celebration this past Saturday! This free event, hosted by the North Carolina Museum of History , held from 10:30am – 4:30pm was indeed a time of celebration.

African American Cultural Celebration

And the celebrating began as soon as you walked up to the museum. With over 9,600 in attendance, the crowds of people were filing in to experience the event. Every level of the museum hosted various aspects of African-American Culture. Such as music, history, sports and games, literature and food, art traditions to education and heritage, and everything in between!

Since I am a lover of the Arts, shortly after we arrived, we headed for the Craft and Art Traditions, as well as the Activities and Information sections on Level 1 and 3. There were many hands-on demonstrations and kid-friendly activities to participate in.

Something that caught my attention very quickly was the beautiful art displays for Envision Saint Agnes Hospital of St. Augustine University’s campus. The rich history and story behind it was one that really resonated with me. After speaking with Joyce Bailey Stephens, Career Development Coordinator for Wake County Public Schools, I just knew that I had to share it with you. She directed me to Ms. Linda Dallas, Professor of Visual Arts at Saint Augustine for more information. So here’s a little bit of Black History for you to kickoff Black History Month!

African American Cultural Celebration

Built in 1909, Saint Agnes Hospital was known as “The Healing Place“. It served the African-American community for 65 years providing both nurses training and medical care. In 1922, it was referred to as the only well-equipped hospital for Negroes between Washington DC and New Orleans. How awesome is this and how much more should this history be told and preserved!

Saint Agnes Hospital

So watch this quick video as Ms. Linda Dallas, Professor of Visual Arts at Saint Augustine’s University shares how selling the artwork inspired by Saint Agnes Hospital is helping to tell the story of this historic landmark and get a glimpse of the amazing artwork by the students!

Watch the YouTube Video

Now, if you would like to donate, donations will help to honor Saint Agnes Hospital site and showcase the artwork of students at Saint Augustine’s University.

For more information and to make a donation, contact:
Ms. Linda Dallas
Saint Augustine’s University
1315 Oakwood Avenue
Seby Jones Fine Arts Building
Raleigh NC 27610

From there, we navigated through some of the other tables. And because of the educational aspects of each table and presenter, it was an awesome event for our littles. We were all able to gather and gain more information about our culture. And to get their minds even more curious for upcoming Black History Month. The various tables included things from basket weaving, bead work, to head wraps and even gold mining!

Just before leaving, I got to meet the beautiful, Ms. Black North Carolina USA 2018 Stacey Sowell. Her platform is Fighting Type 2 Diabetes and you can find her on Instagram and Facebook and blogging at #phdlife and #seedsoftherighteous! Mrs. Black North Carolina USA 2018 Chanda Branch not pictured, has a platform for the Justice Theater Project and you can find her on Instagram.

What an awesome event, right! Stay tuned as I’ll be sharing more events that you can catch around the Triangle for Black History Month!