My Lovely Business Attire!


Bowtie Blouse: Victoria Secret, Skirt: Express, Tights: Target, Shoes: Rack Room




“Monthly Measures” is one of the Fabulous Link-Ups I’ve joined, hosted by Nicole @ Pharr Away. This Link-Up happens the 1st Monday of each month and I joined in for the added motivation and accountability with regards to health and fitness.

My weekly workout out goal is 4-5 days a week. I met my goal last week, getting in 4 days, feeling pretty good! No change in the numbers since last month, still hanging tough at 173lbs. But I’ll take the ‘no gain’ plus I’ve been able to squeeze into some of my old clothes. Til next time, that’s my Monthy Measures! Click here to join in this Link-Up:


As stated by Nicole @ Pharr Away, through this link-up she would like to build a community of motivation and accountability surrounding health and fitness where we’re sharing, learning and encouraging each other to live healthy lifestyles. Not just for ourselves, but for our families as well. So whatever your goal or focus may be in relation to your health, share them.


  1. Love this look, especially the top! I adore bow blouses.

  2. I love the entire look. The blouse and the skirt would be perfect additions to my closet, lol! Pretty color on you!

    1. LOL Karen! Thanks so much and thanks for stopping by!

  3. This outfit is beautiful. I have those same tights. When I bought them, they were the very last pair AND they had a run in them, but they were too cute to pass up. I actually forgot about them until recently, but I will definitely be pulling them back out!! Very nice combination of everything you’re wearing!

  4. Thanks so much! That is hilarious about the run :), I love them though so I probably would’ve done the same thing!

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