Best Homeschooler Advice from Veterans

Homeschooler Advice PostWe are into our 6th week of Homeschool and things are going well…moreso to the point now that I feel like I’ve “arrived” somewhat as a Homeschooler. Yes in only 6 weeks #WontHeDoIt! The weeks leading up to the 1st weeks of school were challenging, being a Type A personality, I have to have everything in order. So I took tons of hours and I mean a lot of hours prepping for school, working in Excel on lesson planning, grading systems and other record keeping documents. So the challenge came when my nicely printed schedule wasn’t staying within schedule. For instance, I had Bible class set for 20 minutes but we would spend 40 minutes on it each day so I’ve had to make allowance for things like that and with prayer have allowed for the schedule to be more fluid in general.

Although, I’m in a groove, I’m far from knowing it all, so it’s been important for me to connect or have a connection to Homeschoolers within reach, just to stay grounded and to get advice. And after speaking with a few Veteran Homeschooler friends of mine, here is some of the Best Homeschool Advice thus far…

  • Schedule in downtime/quiet time for older kids/nap for toddlers and new baby, rest for mom. This has been a great sanity point for me. The days when I’m fully able to enforce quiet time, it’s for a couple of hours and I actually take a much needed nap. My fatigue level at this time is at a high with baby on the way, draining my energy, so the down time is a blessing and it will be great for when baby does arrive.
  • It is ultimately up to the child to learn, if they don’t want to learn at that moment, teach the others while they realize that they should be learning too. This was great to know since I will ultimately be homeschooling 3 kids at the same time. I haven’t needed to use this but I can see where you might.
  • There is a Mom-time and a Teacher-time, keep those defined. What great advice, being a homeschooler, we literally have the potential of being with the kids 24/7 so drawing that line between teacher and mom is so important!

Also, one of the coolest things I’ve heard from a Veteran Homeschooler was that her son was entering college for his Master’s Degree and to just think, she taught him how to read! Wow…just amazing to me the impact!

Needless to say I’m STILL excited about our choice to homeschool and how God will use this opportunity for our family, challenges and all! What advice would you add?


  1. I think it’s great that you’re home schooling! Incorporating Bible study time is awesome! !

    1. Thanks so much Sheri! Hope you’re having an awesome day!

      1. I’m having a blessed day! I hope you are too!!!

  2. Hi Natasha Congratulations on your homeschooling and Good Luck to ya. I have two very good friends that are homeschool veterans email me and I will give you their information. I myself was homeschooled my last year of high school and I graduated on time and I loved the one on one attention.

    1. Thanks for linking me to this site Novella! 🙂 I love you Lady! You are always a blessing! 🙂

      1. You are so very welcome 🙂

    2. Thanks so much for chiming in and for sharing your friends with me! As a 1st year homeschooler, it is absolutely awesome to connect with more seasoned ladies. Again, thanks so much! Hope you have an awesome week!

      1. You’re so very welcome I had a awesome weekend 🙂

  3. Homeschooling is a wonderful journey, a blessing and a lifestyle indeed. I have been homeschooling for 4 years now. In that four years many things have changed. My learning curve, my children’s learning styles have developed, and we have developed our “own” home school rhythm. To me above all, you must find your own home school rhythm. Be open to “change”, and ride the necessary waves. All days are not perfect, but…what days are? Life is REAL in home school. That is clearly part of the beauty of it. We learn and grow together. Keep a planner, make plans, make lesson plans,…but remain “flexible” to those plans changing! Enjoy the ride, seeing the growth of your children is beautiful. Education is key, but Real Life is primary. Many, many blessings to you and your family on your journey.

    1. Aw Nicole you are such a lovely person and I thought it would be nice fo your to share your knowledge and information with Natasha. 🙂 Love you back 🙂

    2. Thanks so much Nicole for stopping by and sharing with me! Are you a blogger? If so, please leave your blog link so that I can follow! Great advice and words of wisdom! Thanks again!

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