God turns pain into purpose.It is such a powerful statement. And it is such a true statement.But can I tell you, that at one time, this statement annoyed me.  Because I had experienced so much pain.And because I was so tired of so much pain. Like surely the summation ofRead More →

We are currently in Holy Week, the week leading up to the observation of Easter. When we celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus. And Passover was observed prior to Holy Week, as a time to remember how God delivered the children of Israel fromRead More →

Triggers.We all have them. Things that remind us of events that have happened in our life. Whether good or bad.  Triggers.They can leave us celebrating something wonderful or they can leave us reeling over a devastation or a disappointment of the past.  And at that moment our peace is potentiallyRead More →

I could care less…  Have you ever heard these words?I’ve heard them a few times.And I’ve even said them a few times. Those times when you simply get tired of caring so much. Or too much. And you are just DONE. Now, I don’t know if that’s really a thing. ToRead More →

My Mom has one of the greenest thumbs. And I wish that I could say the same for me. But I can’t, lol. At least not an instantaneous gifting of growing things. But I am growing, in the area of growing. But most importantly, I am learning that spiritually speaking,Read More →

When we make the decision to grow in our faith, it may feel uncomfortable. But God is constantly calling us deeper in Him. To grow your faith. To grow my faith. “Deep calls to deep at the [thundering] sound of Your waterfalls; All Your breakers and Your waves have rolledRead More →

There is no question that Motherhood is a sacrifice. But it just might be the journey to your dreams. Sharing a story today on that thought. Is Motherhood where dreams go to die? A thought that crossed my mind one day. And it was such a weird thought. But IRead More →

Have you ever felt alone? Alone in your pain. And alone in your thinking. Alone in your work. Alone in your home. Just alone. I believe that we all have at some point and to some degree but although we may feel alone, we are never alone – God isRead More →

Our soon to be 10-year-old is super competitive…I have no clue where he gets that from (Me looking up to the ceiling)?! Just kidding both my hubby and I are mildly competitive. But one thing that happens when he’s not winning sometimes, he is whining. We deal with this inRead More →