Change.We need change.Because the world is changing. But while the world is saying, “be the change you want to see’. May we be Heavenly minded, and be the change that GOD wants us to be. Because “we” get it all wrong sometimes.With our opinions.And with our theories.With our imperfect revelations.Read More →

God uses crushing places in our life and makes something beautiful. My life was wrecked by God in the most beautiful way. I know, it sounds like an oxymoron. Like how can a life be wrecked beautifully? How can a life be demolished, seemingly torn apart, taken apart, be beautiful?Read More →

“God is going to take care of me.” “Yep, God is going to take care of me. God is going to take care of my family.” Oh the conversations you have with a loved one that is transitioning from this life into the next. Those were some hard exhausting days.Read More →

What is Juneteenth? Known as “Emancipation Day, or Juneteenth Independence Day”, Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States, observed annually on June 19. I’m excited to team up with my friend Stevie over at Stevie Doodles to share some facts about this special day in history. Along with some super funRead More →

Glorious Day – Reunited in Heaven A few weeks ago, I visited my Daddy’s grave for the first time since he passed over 3 years ago. I don’t know why it’s taken me so long. And the truth is, I haven’t had a real desire to go there. Each timeRead More →

God Over Everything – Choosing to Serve God Have you ever been to a restaurant that you frequent and just stared at the menu like you’ve never been there before? Just unable to decide what to get.Like you already know what would be good and you already know what yourRead More →

The truth of God’s Word makes us free. So I’ve been participating in a bible study with a group of ladies for the past several weeks. We are half way through the 13 week study, Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby. And to say that it has been lifeRead More →

I’m not good at good-byes. Because we weren’t made to say good-bye. “Don’t say good-bye, say see you later.” That’s what my Mom would say when we headed out of the house for school. Or anywhere for that matter. See she taught us not to say goodbye.But to say, ‘seeRead More →

God is looking for those that He can trust. And I believe that He uses experiences in our life to see if we can be trusted for what he has purposed and planned ahead for us. I can recall in my own life great opportunities that I just knew IRead More →