There’s a perfectly good reason why grief is so often described as the waves of an ocean. It’s because of the way grief ebbs and flows… Have you experienced it in that way? It helps us to paint a picture of the feelings of grief. And it helps us toRead More →

I’m grieving with Buffalo today, grieving with the families of the victims whose lives were taken during a racist attack. I’m still processing what has happened…Thinking about what can be said and how to respond… And in doing so I am reminded today of this, how my words will alwaysRead More →

Is it possible to see God in the in-between places of our life? (Updated 4/3/23) Sometimes the in-between places feel the most unsettling. The places of transition.The shift from what once was, to what will be. The in-between place. Like what am I supposed to do now? Or what amRead More →

Zig Ziglar, author of Confessions of a Grieving Christian says, “It is always darkest just before dawn”. And I love this sentiment because it has been proven true in my life. You’ve heard the saying when it rains it pours. Well, this is the way I’ve most often been metRead More →

Sometimes All it Takes is a Good Cry. I sat on the side of the bed, trying to act normal as I read through a group text from my cousins. It was in remembrance of our Aunt Emma and baby cousin Kaleb, who both died in a devastating head-on carRead More →

I led worship the day after my dad died.At the time, I didn’t know why I did it, but I did. Maybe it was a needed distraction.Maybe it was a bit of denial.Maybe I just needed and wanted that day to be normal. But it wasn’t a normal day.My dadRead More →

With grief, there are no shortcuts.I wish I had better news for you and me. The other day, I listened to a voicemail from my dad from 6 years ago.My heart ached as I heard his voice. Yet the sound of his voice made me smile. He ended with “IRead More →

Have you ever prayed, then the answer came, and you were like… what in the world is this?Because the answer to the prayer wasn’t quite what you were expecting. Like, I didn’t think it would happen like this.I didn’t think it would be as painful as this.Or, I thought itRead More →

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Psalm 27:13 NIV For years and years, I don’t know if I believed that I could or would see the goodness of the Lord here on earth. Experiencing devastating loss, oneRead More →