The Blue Pasura fashion show is in 2 weeks and what am I doing to prepare? For starters, I am working out…to tone as much as possible, drinking plenty of water, watching my sweets/sugar intake (I don’t diet) and rehearsing my walk and poses! I’m so excited about this event, this fashion show will be held on August 4, 2013 to benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital! Get more info at Naudre’ Agency’s site! Although a lot of time and energy goes into a show, they are so much fun to be apart of.

Fashion Show

A quick back story about how I started modeling: It began in college when I auditioned and joined Black Finesse Modeling Troupe on NC State University’s campus. An organization which was founded on campus on May 25, 1994. It’s motto… to promote positive images of African-Americans on campus. By using techniques of modeling, Black Finesse is dedicated to increasing its members’ poise, personality, and confidence. As a curvy African-American female, I didn’t see many images in the media that said, “hey, you are the model type”. So, I can say that I did gain more confidence and poise through the experience with the organization. I served as President of the modeling troupe in 2001 and 2002. In this role, I facilitated board meetings and practices and was the liaison between the organization and the Theater Director, musical/dance talent, MCs, DJs, etc. Other members of the board worked diligently at obtaining sponsors, creating awesome choreography and also in facilitating practices. It was definitely a joint effort among the entire team as we pulled off a Fall and Spring Fashion Show each year…may hours, sweat and some tears but it all came together as nearly 500 or so students filled Stewart Theater to see the show. Needless to say, I enjoyed it so much that I am still hitting the runway.

Here is a blast from the past from a Fashion Show held in 2010, when I was actually about 3 months preggo with our baby boy!

The Show

Don’t forget to link-up at the Lovely Connection!



  1. Fierce! This is one of my favorite pictures of you and I did not know you were pregnant in this picture…cool! You’re such a go-getter and I can not wait to see this show!!!

    1. Author

      Thanks so much Nicole! It’s definitely one of my favorite’s too and I am so excited about the show :)!

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