It is no surprise that the #1 way to grow closer to someone is to spend time with them! So it is no different in your marriage relationship. Spending time, does not mean just to be in the same room with nothing being said (even though I love being in the same room with my hubs even when we are both on our laptops saying nothing, watching tv, playing a game, etc).
But what I mean is to deliberately set aside time to get to know your spouse…their thoughts, dreams, goals, any new hobbies, places they want to go or see, talk about where you want your relationship to go, the vision for your marriage, fun things that you would like to do together. And although you can discuss these things sparingly once the kiddos go to bed, dates are a great fun way to spend time, sharing awesome conversation over a great meal or fun activity.
So my hubs and are doing a 52 Dates – Dating Your Spouse Challenge! And I cannot take credit for the idea, all credit goes to the hubs and he suggested that I add it to my blog to inspire other couples to enrich their marriage…so I’m calling it the #52Dates Challenge!The idea is go on 52 Dates with your spouse throughout the year, not just 2015 but every year…make it last forever!
So what constitutes as a Date?
A Date = time spent alone with your spouse that DOES NOT include the children :)! Sounds like a great idea right! You would be surprised at the reactions we have gotten thus far…like, “wow”, “good luck”, “you’re really doing that”…! It was such a surprise to hear some of the reactions, somehow, we as a culture have lost the fact that the most intimate and cultivated relationship is among married couples, as the marriage relationship teaches the children how to properly love!
As January has come to an end, I am happy to report that my hubs and I have successful met our January Goal, having gone on 4 dates this month. Each week, we always come home feeling so refreshed and since our babysitters are pretty cool, the children enjoy that time and look forward to it as well!
Must haves for 52 Dates – Dating Your Spouse
1. Participation – First and foremost, both parties must be up for the challenge! Believe me, it is worth your participation.
2. Time – Secondly, you have to set aside the time. Nothing is more important than spending time with your spouse. We have included our date nights on our family calendar so that it is visible to the kids when we are going out as well.
3. Babysitter(s) – If you have kids, a babysitter is a must. Don’t let not having one be an excuse to not get out. If you have yet to find one, utilize your family until you do. We are blessed to have 2 young ladies as babysitters from our church, as well as our family.
4. Creativity/Openness – In Joe McGee’s 3 Tips for Couples, he shares the following with regards to doing things together:
Tip #1 Do Things Together (and For Each Other)
Try something new or enjoy each other’s hobbies. The point is to do something together. (Note: You may not like the same hobbies, but if it is important to your spouse, you should take time to learn something about it so
they can share it with you.)
Find something you enjoy doing together like going for a walk, riding a bike, reading a book or talking. Spending time together is a big part of building your relationship. Laughter is great medicine and you will remember what you laugh at. Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart does good like a medicine.” Schedule things that are fun and that will make you laugh. There is noth- ing I love more than to hear my wife laugh. It makes me feel good and she likes to hear me laugh. When we laugh, we are enjoying the process of living. Everybody faces challenges, but let’s all enjoy the process.
5. Expectation – Expect to grow closer and more intimate with your spouse and EXPECT to keep your guy with #52Dates – Dating Your Spouse!
xo – Natasha

We are up to the challenge. We went out maybe three times last month so we aren’t behind. I found on truthhope.wordpress.com some ideas for a few dates. They may interest you.
Awesome Latonya! I’m headed over now to check out the ideas….Thanks so much for stopping by and have a blessed weekend!