Do What Sparks Joy
Disclosure: I received these products in exchange for a review. However, my opinions are solely my own and I only share and recommend products and services that I love.

Do you do what sparks joy?

At some point, I stopped doing some of things that sparked joy in my life. And one of those things was art. Years back, you could always find me sketching, drawing, painting or creating something.

And although I still consider myself a creative, I haven’t really created any art in years. I was so great at it and it use to be so much a part of my life. So much so that my teachers even commissioned me to do oil painting portraits of their children. I received every Art award, beginning in Middle School. I believe. But definitely so in each of my high school years. And of course, I was the Art Club president.

Because I LOVED art.

Now, I was inspired several weeks ago through my connect group at church to begin implementing the “daily office”. Which, simply put, are times throughout our day that we set aside to focus on God. And I was also inspired to implement a true day of Sabbath, an entire day of “rest”. Now that’s self care!

But at one of our group meetings, I was asked what would my ideal Sabbath look like? I seriously said that my ideal Sabbath would include doing some type of art. Not with the kids or anyone else but just me doing art! And watercolors in particular. 

Emily Lex Watercolor Review

Do What Sparks Joy

So as you may have guessed, I was beyond excited when I received the Emily Lex Watercolor products and free access to her amazing watercolor classes. And I’m so excited to share this with you.

I already had supplies on hand, as we are fully stocked on our craft cart for our Homeschool. So I was set to jump in.

For my review, I received: A watercolor flowers and animal workbook, Truth for Today cards, Kids Truth for Today cards, a brass stand PLUS free registration for all 3 of her classes online which are all “go at your own pace”.

Each item is just so well done. I love how the workbooks have step-by-step instruction and sample artwork on one page. And the sketch on the opposite page for you to work through. It’s simply enough for anyone to do.

Do What Sparks Joy

The Truth for Today cards are beautiful works of art alone. They have watercolor art on them, along with a bible verse. That you can place on your desk, night stand or wherever you choose. As a reminder of God’s truths. And the classes like the workbooks move at a great pace. As the classes are online, you move at your own pace. So that you can always play back something if you need to.

You’ve had an opportunity to hear about how great this is. So head over to Emily Lex’s site to grab a few things. And do what sparks JOY! For you, your kids, your family or friends!

And wait, there’s more, lol! There is also an awesome opportunity for you to win a giveaway that Emily Lex is hosting called May Flowers. Enter for your chance to win here.

Do What Sparks Joy

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