Enchanting Maternity Photography + Bump News

Enchanting MaternityIn Bump news , 36 Weeks and Counting! We’re 1cm dilated and 50% effaced, for those familiar with that terminology…it just means we’re making progress towards the Big Day! The way I’ve been feeling, I knew I needed to get this Enchanting Maternity Shoot done before I missed my opportunity! So we ventured out this past weekend; it was a bit cloudy, humid and muggy but with the help of my hubs and kids who tagged along, we got it done!

For this shoot, I wore thisĀ DIY Floral Crown and this super soft, comfy dress that I made specifically for this shoot as inspired by my Swooning over Maternity Photography post.

I picked the locale and applied the appropriate settings on my camera and my hubs shot the photos for me. He did an awesome job, so definitely a shout out is warranted to him. I did some editing in LR as I mentioned it was a bit cloudy out when we shot.

I absolutely love the outcome of these photos. I definitely suggest getting Maternity shots done much sooner if possible, maybe between 30-33 weeks. It took a lot to get hair and makeup done, then to walk to the various points where I wanted shots. Wheew…but again, I’m so happy with how they turned out and so glad that we did these…memories to last a lifetime.

Enchanting MaternityEnchanting MaternityWoods Theme Maternity-3Woods Theme Maternity-11Woods Theme Maternity-12Woods Theme Maternity-13Woods Theme Maternity-14

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