My fitness lately has included lots of running! You could say that I have been running my butt off! I recently came across an article (can’t remember which fitness mag) while in the gym that made the suggestion of adding in at least 5 days of 60 minutes of cardio to lose weight! I have seen the 30 minutes a day suggestion so the 60 minutes shocked me a bit but made sense in the end. I had been skirting by doing some running and little to no weight training only to maintain this heavier me, at a heavier weight. Weight is a funny thing…we all know how easy it is to gain but how difficult it is to get off. Well, I am so blessed to finally have the time and flexibility to give more time to working out, planning meals for me and my family and to get some weight off. So, I have been doing cardio at least 5-6 days a week for 45 to 70 minutes and have included some strength training.


My new motto, “Progress not Perfection”, has been motivating…because the scale can be so de-motivating when it does not move when you want it to move. After 5 weeks, I am just starting to see some movement on the scale…thank you Jesus! The best advice is to keep it moving.

You may remember last year, I led a small group at my church through the Couch to 5k, 9 week program. It really helped with accountability and motivation.  We commenced the end of the program by completing a 5k that was held in our area. I am currently leading another small group through the same program, which started the 1st week of February.  I love the fellowship…but not the cold!

That’s what I’ve been up to…What’s been your fitness lately?


  1. Nonexistent! Lol. I took a break throughout the holidays and have yet to start back. I work out to gain weight (or muscle). I’ve completely lost all the gains I made last year. I plan to start my workout routine back up by the end of this month though. Summer’s coming. Gotta get my body ready for the spring and summer!

    1. Author

      I understand that and Yes girl summer is coming…let’s be ready lol!

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