
Week 8: Full and Running Over, {Previous Weeks}

Psalm 23 (AMP)
… my [brimming] cup runs over.

Life is all about how you view it! You’ve heard the question, Do you see the glass half empty or half full? If you see the glass half empty, it is said that you view the things around you negatively and if you see the glass half full, then you view the things around you in a positive light. Sometimes it’s a struggle to see things positively because of life circumstances and messed up situations. Sometimes we just get ourselves into a slump.

But God wants us to see the glass not only half full but full and running over! How is this accomplished? We start by changing our minds! Proverbs 23:7 says, For as he/she thinks in his heart, so is he/she. So if we think and dwell on negative things, then we will feel negative but if we think on positive things, then we will have a positive attitude despite what is going on around us.

Philippians 4:8 (NIV)
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Whenever a negative thought tries to make its way to your mind, compare it to the verse mentioned above and if it does meet the criteria above…if the thought is not true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy; kick that thought out of your mind!!!

Start putting this into practice today and make it a habit. When we think on positive things, I have no doubt that we will always see the glass full and overflowing.


  1. Now this is speaking to me! I try to be positive as much as I can, but when things get extremely difficult i began to ask God why this is happening. Instead I should be thanking him for everything good he has given me and for the things he does to protect me. Even though we may not see it at times, every that happens, happens for a reason. And sometimes the most negative situations are actually blessings in disguise because God could be protecting us from worst things to come. Great inspirational one again. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Author

      You are exactly right on this!!! It happens all the time. We hardly see it when we are going through it that it all works together for our good…I’m learning to really trust God in the midst of it all!

    1. Author

      Thank you so much Vanessa!!

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