
Sweater:  Trina Turk via AB Surf Shop, Jeans: Express,

Booties: Qupid, Beanie: r21


Monthly Measures” is one of my Fabulous Link-Ups, hosted by Nicole @ Pharr Away. This Link-Up happens the 1st Monday of each month and I joined in for the added motivation and accountability with regards to health and fitness.

So it’s now February of 2013 and I need to ‘Get it Together’! Today was the 1st day that I have seen the inside of my gym this year! However, I have been maintaining my weight through home workouts and some jogging outdoors. My goal is to be fit as a fiddle (whatever that means) by May. No, really, my goal is to be as tight and toned as I can be, a nice athletic look.

I learned a long time ago that my weight did not equate to the way I looked. I often felt that I was on the heavier side based on the numbers. My Body Mass Index (BMI) is 27.1 which puts me in the category of being overweight. However, my muscle tone is great and my clothes fit well. For example, at one time I was weighing 178lbs but wore a size 12 and now, my current weight is 173lbs and I wear a size 8. Interesting, huh? So please note or take as a word of encouragement:  Don’t get caught up in the numbers!!!! WebMD along with the BMI, also calculates a Waist-to-Height Ratio for people who are more muscular and mine was 0.45 which is categorized as healthy. I thought that was cool as I’d never seen that calculation before.

I still want to lose a few more pounds in order to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes (remember I’m still in between sizes) so I need to get it together and that’s all for my “Monthly Measures”! Want to join in? See/Click below:


As stated by Nicole @ Pharr Away, through this link-up she would like to build a community of motivation and accountability surrounding health and fitness where we’re sharing, learning and encouraging each other to live healthy lifestyles.  Not just for ourselves, but for our families as well.  So whatever your goal or focus may be in relation to your health, share them.



  1. I love your hat. You look great 🙂

  2. You look great!

    I totally agree with you in terms of forgetting about the scale. Going by measurements is definitely a much better direction.

  3. User Avatar

    Thanks Michi! I don’t even know why I continue to weigh, just as reference, I guess.

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