God Has Answers to Our Questions

I can understand how someone can identify with being agnostic. 

Or those who do not believe there is a God.

The day I found out that my aunt and baby cousin were killed in a head on collision, my exact thoughts were “this world that we live in feels like a sick joke”!

Like, it’s just so tragic. 
At times unbearably so.

There’s an immense amount of hurt.
And just so much pain. 

And the question is, if there is a God why does he allow such bad things to happen?

I can understand these type of questions.
Because I’ve asked them too.

And there’s nothing wrong with questions.

I like what T.D. Jakes says. That God has made space for questions. He is not afraid of uncertainty.

Because God isn’t afraid of our questions.
Because He is alpha and omega.
The first and last. The beginning and the end.

God has answers to our questions.
So when we have questions we can bring them to Him.

Elisabeth Elliot wrote this about suffering, “why doesn’t God do something about suffering? …He has, He did, He is, and He will.”

For me, when I had questions or when I’ve brought questions or concerns to God, the spirit on the inside, stirs something on the inside of me that reminds me that God is light and in Him there is no darkness. 

It tells me and reminds me that He is good.

And the Spirit of God reminds me of the hope of His glory. The king of my heart. 


It reminds me that every good and perfect gift comes from. 

And reminds me that no matter what it looks or feels like, God always causes us to triumph in Him. 

And that even in Death, in Him we win. 

Because here’s the thing, what we see with our natural eyes isn’t the whole picture. It’s not always what we think. 

His ways are higher and His thoughts are higher than ours…

Our good God, does not do bad things. 
He can’t, it is not even in His nature. 

So in essence, it all comes down to what we believe. And as believers, we trust in the sovereignty of God… we trust His character, His goodness and loving kindness towards us. 

That even in the bad and dark times, God will prevail and we choose to believe that all things are working together for good. Romans 8:28

We choose to believe that even in the midst of a bad world, we can still serve a good God. And that this world is not all there is. We have the hope of Heaven.

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