God is looking for those that He can trust.
And I believe that He uses experiences in our life to see if we can be trusted for what he has purposed and planned ahead for us.
I can recall in my own life great opportunities that I just knew I had in the bag. Only to realize that the rug had been pulled right from under my feet.
So many other instances I can remember, the number of doors being closed in my face.
Being passed over for promotions. Not being chosen for positions for reasons that didn’t even make sense. Like you’re “over qualified”.
Or not being “chosen” or “picked” for things that I thought I was a good or best fit for. Have you been there?
All things that didn’t “feel” so good. Right?
But I’ve come to realize that those experiences where prime times in my life to shape my character.
And so God is asking?
Can I trust you to be okay when you don’t get your way?
To not get puffed up in pride when you accomplish your goals?
Can I trust you to point others to me when they give you praise?
To do what I tell you to do?
Can I trust you to go where I tell you to go?
To say what I tell you to say?
Can I trust you to be still when I tell you to just sit a while?
To listen when I am speaking?
Can I trust you to seek me with all your heart, mind and soul?
To keep seeking, asking and knocking?
Can I trust you to take that thing that you hold so tightly and so dear to you up to the mountain to slay it?
Can I trust you?
“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”
Isaiah 6:8 KJV
God is looking for those that He can trust.