Wellness Wednesday – Green Tea

Red, black and green tea

{Red, black and green tea (Photo credit: mat.teo)}Green tea leaves, from a small teabag

{Green tea leaves, from a small teabag (Photo credit: Wikimedia)}

I love Green Tea and my Green Tea of choice is the TAZO Green Tea! It’s described as “A harmonious blend of green tea with lemongrass and spearmint.” I like to drink mine with no added sweetener in order to enjoy all of its benefits. But a sweet alternative is honey. Personally, the green tea with lemongrass helps me feel better when I have a cold and it also aids in warming my vocals for singing. So speaking of benefits…

Benefits of Green Tea include the potential to fight cancer and heart disease and the potential to aid in weight loss. Limited studies also include green tea’s role in lowering cholesterol, burning fat, preventing diabetes and stroke, and staving off dementia.

Do you drink green tea? Have you personally experienced any of its said benefits?


  1. I find that green tea is an effective medicine in order to find cancer and heart diseases and keeps the body fit.

    1. Author

      Those are definitely the added benefits that I enjoy about green tea. Thanks for stopping by!

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