
Week 13: He is Faithful  {Previous Weeks}

I John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

To be faithful is to be loyal, constant and steadfast, true, devoted, committed, dedicated, keeps promises, true to one’s word. And all these words describe our Father God…He is Faithful!

2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lords does not delay and is not tardy or slow about what He promises, according to some people’s conception of slowness, but He is long-suffering (extraordinarily patient) toward you, not desiring that any should perish, but that all should turn to repentance.

Jeremiah 1:12, “The Lord watches over his word to perform it.”

2 Corinthians 1:20 “The promises of God are Yes and Amen.”

God’s Faithfulness toward us is so encouraging in that we can always count on him to do exactly what his Word says he will do. So if you need forgiveness, his word says if you confess your sins, he will forgive your sins. If you are in need of anything; His word says that he will supply all your need according to his riches in glory. If you are sick; His word says, by his stripes you are healed. If you are between a rock and a hard place; His word says that he will not put more on you than you can bear. I am so glad that my Father God is faithful…God keeps his promises! Be encouraged!


  1. So true Natasha, no matter how your sitauation might appears, always keep your total focus on God. He’s Dr. Able, he csn and will do all things.

    1. Author

      I love this Vanessa! “He’s Dr. Able”!!! Love it!

  2. Another great week! I love that God will forgive us even when we do things that don’t deserve forgiveness. My Godfather who’s a priest always tells me that God doesn’t hold what you did against you and that each day is a new beginning in his eyes. He is good and he doesn’t hold grudges.

    1. Author

      Absolutely, that’s why I love God so much; he’s not like us to hold grudges :)!

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