I love trying new things as a couple. After all variety is the spice of life, right? At my age now, it seems that nothing brings me as much joy, than to experience new things together with my Hubby and my family. Like the time, the Hubs and I spent hiking, in the NC Mountains. And chasing a few waterfalls along the way, lol. So, today, I’m sharing a Hiking ‘Date Day’ for Couples + 3 Reasons to Go.

Hiking 'Date Day' for Couples

Each year our church hosts a couple’s get away and this year it was held in Asheville NC. My Hubs and I decided to arrive a day ahead of the event so that we could enjoy some extra time together. So, being me, I started my search for cool things to do. Then I remembered that during my last visit to the mountains with the kids during our Glamping adventure. We went on a hunt to find some waterfalls. But only made it to one, Hooker Falls. Because the other trails were covered with snow and ice at the time.

Thankfully, the Hubs was up for this little date day adventure. So we took off for a day in Dupont State Forest, in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Now what I absolutely loved about this spot, is that it was a one stop shop. We were able to hike 3 trails at this one location. With 3 beautiful waterfalls: Hooker Falls, Triple Falls and High Falls.

Hiking 'Date Day' for Couples

Hiking ‘Date Day’ for Couples

Here’s 3 Reasons to Go on Hiking Date Day.

Exercise. Show of hands, who gets easily bored? I love the treadmill in our home gym because it’s convenient for the sake of not having to drag the kids out of the house to a gym all the time. But it can be pretty boring. A hike with the one you love, can be just what the doctor ordered. It’s also sure to be a stress reliever, as well as, so many other cardio related hiking benefits.

Unplug. Let’s be honest here. We check our phones more than anything else these days. Taking a hike is the perfect way to unplug. Granted you leave it in the car. Or just make a vow not to check it while you’re on the hike. Your mind will enjoy the mental break and it’s a great way to ignite conversation between you and your spouse.

Connect with nature. I wouldn’t call myself an outdoorsy person. But when it comes to hiking that includes waterfalls. Yeah, I’m a sucker for it. Nature just reminds me so much of God, the Creator of the Universe and just how amazing he is. In creating every single thing, so beautiful, that we get to enjoy. And connecting with nature together as a couple…it’s quite romantic!

Now it’s your turn to plan your Hiking ‘Date Day’!

Hiking 'Date Day' for Couples