In a heartfelt conversation, Natasha sits down with Dr. Quantrilla Ard to delve into the profound topic of
Black Woman Grief, sharing her own traumatic experiences including severe preeclampsia, childbirth trauma, and the compounded impact of grief on her family. They also discuss the pervasive strong black woman stereotype, reflecting on the emotional and physical toll it takes on bBlack women. Dr. Ard emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries, leaning into rest and peace, and being intentional in offering mutual support within the community. The discussion serves as an empowering reminder for Black women to acknowledge their limits and cultivate a balanced, healthier life, and how to reframe the Strong Black Woman.


The only one who doesn’t have the privilege of being excellent 24/7 is the Black Woman.

Dr. Quantrilla Ard

The episode serves as a rallying cry for Black women to embrace their full emotional spectrum and to create a balanced life filled with rest, resilience, and joy. Dr. Ard’s vulnerability and insights remind us all that the journey through grief and strength is personal, and there is power in sharing and living our truths.

Main Points

  • The Strong Black Woman Stereotype
  • Navigating Expectations and Setting Boundaries
  • Deconstructing and Reframing Strength
  • Honoring Resilience Without Pressure

Episode Talking Points

00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction
00:29 Experiencing Black Woman Grief
01:54 The Impact of Maternal Health Trauma
03:44 Generational Grief and Its Effects
05:40 The Strong Black Woman Stereotype
08:24 Learning to Navigate Grief
13:29 Setting Boundaries for Self-Care
19:43 Society’s Role in Supporting Black Women
22:55 The Burden of Grief and Society’s Role
23:39 Setting Boundaries and Processing Grief
26:58 Intentionality and Accountability Among Black Women
29:55 The Importance of Rest and Rejecting Hustle Culture
33:55 Honoring Resilience While Dismantling the Strong Black Woman Label
36:35 Finding Satisfaction and Trusting in God’s Plan
38:21 Final Thoughts and Words of Encouragement
41:45 Connecting with the Speaker and Closing Remarks

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About the Guest:

Quantrilla Ard, PhD, lives in the Atlanta area along with her husband and three littles. A passionate behavioral scientist and lived experiences expert, Dr. Ard holds a doctoral degree in Health Psychology. She is an advocate and champion for social and reproductive justice. With a focus on Black maternal and infant health and mortality. She uses her social media platforms to engage, educate, and inform others about her doctoral research and lived experience with preeclampsia. In addition, she provides subject matter expertise on the same in various print and online media outlets. Quantrilla also humbly stewards a grief and loss community and podcast, both entitled It’s All Grief to Me. As a coach and liaison for individuals navigating their loss journeys. You can find her sharing stories of triumph as well as follow her and the work she is involved in at

Mentioned in this episode:

Black Woman Grief: A Guide to Hope and Wholeness by Natasha Smith
It’s All Grief To Me Community with Dr. Quantrilla Ard