Motherhood is complex. And most often is both beautiful and hard. In this episode of the Can You Just Sit With Me? Podcast, I sit with Emily Lawson, an influential voice in the grief and loss space. Emily shares the emotional journey surrounding the sudden death of her father, her experiences with adoption, and her newly published book Cracks in My Cup: Biblical Reflections on Motherhood and Loss.


Adoption is like a birthday, a funeral, and a wedding all in one. How do we live in the tension of celebrating children leaving one family and uniting with another just as they would a wedding? By severing the ties of no longer being a part of the family that gave them a birthday.

emily lawson

“Cracks in My Cup” is an honest reflection from a pastor’s wife and mom of three toddlers navigating parenting children with trauma and the unexpected loss of her dad. This gentle companion will equip the grieving Christian with Biblical truths about God’s sovereignty, how our suffering makes us more like Christ, and the role our church family can play in our healing.

In this episode, Emily and I explore the complexities of motherhood, grief, and adoption, bringing awareness to the invisible grief often faced by foster and adoptive families. The episode offers profound insights on navigating grief in motherhood, losing a parent, holding space for others, and finding hope in challenging times.

Main Points:

  • Writing as a Path to Healing
  • The Duality of Motherhood and Loss
  • Navigating Complex Emotions
  • God’s Presence in Our Grief

Episode Talking Points:

  • 00:00 Introduction to the Podcast
  • 00:51 Emily Lawson’s Story of Unexpected Loss
  • 02:18 The Healing Power of Presence
  • 05:17 Writing Through Grief
  • 10:00 Navigating Grief and Motherhood
  • 17:57 The Complexities of Adoption
  • 26:14 Understanding Family Trauma
  • 28:32 The Invisible Grief of Children
  • 29:41 Foster Care and Adoption Insights
  • 32:19 The Role of Faith in Foster Care
  • 36:52 Navigating Grief in Motherhood
  • 40:24 Finding Hope in Faith
  • 47:39 Connecting with the Author

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About the Guest

Emily Lawson is the Communications Director at her church, where her husband has served as the worship pastor since 2016. Amidst the pandemic, they welcomed three children under the age of two into their home — two through foster care and adoption, and one biologically. Just as they were finding their footing as parents, they were thrust into a new and unwanted season: navigating the unexpected loss of a parent.

Emily and her husband lead a foster care and adoption support group in the suburbs of Chicago where they live with their children, dog, and handprint-smeared home. Emily speaks to the church regularly, encouraging a better way to follow Jesus into the broken and hard places, and model Biblical Community in an isolated world. For free tips and more, follow @emilyannelawson on Instagram.

Mentioned in this episode:

Cracks In My Cup by Emily Lawson

Can You Just Sit With Me by Natasha Smith