I wonder how my Mom feels on Mother’s Day.

We try to make her feel special and to show her how much she is loved and appreciated. Especially on Mother’s Day.

how my Mom feels on Mother’s Day

But I wonder how she feels.

She has two adult daughters on earth and two adult daughters in Heaven.

I imagine that she never thought that she would outlive any of her children.

And I imagine that she thinks about them everyday. Like me, I imagine that she thinks about them even more around the holidays and birthdays.

We don’t talk about it much.

But I imagine that my Mom thinks about them around this time, around Mother’s Day.

I imagine my Mom thinks about the one that first made her a Mother and about the one that came shortly after, because that is what Mothers do.

Both are now in Heaven.

I can imagine how the grief has changed over the years and how it’s changed her. Like it changed me. 

Or I can imagine the grief buried deep down on the inside and how it can be easy to pretend that Mother’s Day is just another day. 

Because avoiding the pain of grief seems easier than confronting it at times. 

So, I can imagine Mom taking it to the Lord many many times, like I have taken my grief to Him. Allowing God to do a great work and healing in her. Doing what only He can do. 

She taught me that over the years. She often talks about how God has kept her. Many many times. 

I remember her telling us “God kept us through some hard things. A lot of things we didn’t understand but God kept us.”

Oh, to be kept by Jesus.

I know that feeling in my own life experiences… 

So today, I’m praying for Mommas, like my Mom. And who are like me that have children in Heaven or simply who are grieving the loss of a child. I pray that God gives you much comfort and peace. 

May He shower you with His love and His mercy. And may God continue to bless you and keep you in the midst of it all. 

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 NIV

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how my Mom feels on Mother’s Day