
Week 14: Keep Pressing {Previous Weeks}

Philippians 3:14 (KJV)
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

The bottom line is…it’s easy to quit! Life brings trials, trouble, attacks and everything in between. The bible never tells us that life would be easy but the bible is filled with ways to equip us with everything that we need to overcome.

You may find yourself doing what you know to do for a while, but after noticing no change; you just throw your hands up and give up! Well that’s exactly what our adversary, the devil, wants us to do. In order to have victory in our lives, we must push and press through…

To PRESS means…

    • To pursuit with determination
    • To force into a desired shape by steady pressure
    • To force one’s way
    • Urgent claim or demand

Putting the verse above in this context, places an emphasis on how determined we must be to do what God calls us to do and to not give up. Isaiah 50:7 says, “Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.” In other words, because we know where our strength comes from; we are determined to not be moved or shaken.

As long as you are still breathing; there is still hope! No matter the situation, no matter the circumstance, no matter the failure, no matter the hiccup…Never give up, keep moving forward and keep pressing!


    1. Author

      Awesome! We all need it!

  1. This is so true. That’s our biggest fault as humans. When it goes and gets tough we give up and quit trying. God is so good to us and give us so many blessings yet we act as if he only gives us troubles and burdens to bear when it’s actually the opposite. We bring the burdens upon ourselves and God gives us the tools and strength to overcome them. Whether we choose to use them and be strong is completely our choice.

    1. Author

      You’ve said it all right there…it is our choice!

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