I must admit, it is only Day 2 of the 365 Days of Art Journaling and I feel like I’m struggling to connect with what I’m doing. The last time I really did “Art”, was several years ago, it was more landscapes, realistic drawings, portraits and paintings. Now it seems the only thing I can put out are cutsie, elementary drawings and it’s a bit frustrating….uh a challenge! Maybe I should read some articles on the actual concept of Art Journaling and how to tap into my old skill and how to incorporate them into the journal.

My Day 2 is about Love; Love More…Love Often…Let love grow and guide you! #ArtnJavaChallenge #365ArtJournalChall


What is your art jouranaling style and/or tips that you have found to be helpful?


    1. Author

      Thanks Maureen!

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