
Lately, I have been loving the Midi Skirt! It is by no surprise that this 1940s inspiration is so On Trend right now because of its elegance and grace that transcends time. I need a few of these in my life![alpine-phototile-for-pinterest src=”board” uid=”nnsmith1228″ board=”Pretty-Midis” imgl=”pinterest” pinit=”1″ dl=”1″ dlstyle=”large” style=”wall” row=”5″ size=”192″ num=”5″ max=”100″]

Shop Midi skirts below…


  1. Midi’s are so classy!

    1. Author

      Yes, I just ordered one…so excited!! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. These midis are so in right now, but I know I wouldn’t pull them off well. I’m just too short to wear them. LOL

    1. Author

      They are in, I just ordered one and can’t wait for it to come in! And LOL, you should get the mini skirt version of this skirt and see if it works :)!

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