30in30One of my Fabulous Link-Ups is Monthly Measures hosted by Nicole @ Pharr Away. This Link-Up happens the 1st Monday of each month and I joined in for the added motivation and accountability with regards to health and fitness.

So….I’ll start by saying, I feel heavy! I’m sure you have those days or weeks when your body just feels heavy, that’s the only way I can describe it. However, I’m weighing in this month at 173lbs, no change since my last Monthly Measure’s weigh in (2 months ago).

My goal is to at least break into the 160s, even if it’s 169 by Turkey Day (Thanksgiving), which means I will need to lose at least 4lbs. It sounds easy, breezy but it’s not. The mid 160s are my happy place! I feel great around that weight.  I’ve touched 168lb since birthing our baby boy, who is now 2 years old, but haven’t stayed there consistently.

So, in order to achieve my goal, I’ve decided to reintroduce the 30 miles in 30 days challenge along with 3 days of strength training and sensible eating. See my post on SMART goals to ensure the goals that you are setting are feasible and attainable. Anyone care to join me in the 30 miles in 30 days Challenge? I’ve participated in this challenge twice before. The 1st one (30in30 Challenge #1) not so successful and the 2nd one (30in30 Challenge #2) a success! Stay tuned to see how this one turns out but I also hope that you will join me!!  The Challenge starts TODAY, 5 days late so chop, chop…just kidding! The Challenge starts today 9/5 and will end on 10/5! To tell about your progress Tweet with #LY30in30 for Lovely You 30 in 30 Challenge!

Also linking up with Get Fit, Healthy Life!



  1. Thanks for linking up! You know I always think you look great but I totally get feeling a certain way about your appearance. Although I’ve lost some weight I’ve been slacking in my eating habits a bit since I’ve gone back to work (eating a lot of sweets/snacks) so I need to refocus. Your 30in30 challenge sounds so doable but I fear I won’t make it a week 🙂 so good luck to you!

    1. Author

      I was glad to get a post in for the linkup! I feel like I’m most successful when I do these type challenges and keep the accountability with through the linkup! Thanks for hosting!!

  2. I know for sure that losing 4-5lbs isn’t easy. I feel like I’ve pretty trying to lose the same few pounds literally for months!

    1. Author

      Exactly! I vow to get pass this plateau! Thanks for chiming in and I hope that you have a Great weekend!!

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