
Jacket: Express, Top: via Marshalls, Accessories: Express, Pants: Express, Shoes: Nine West




Monthly Measures
I’ll start by saying I feel so heavy…from last Monthly Measures, I weighed 172.8lb. Today I’m at 173lb, so really no gain or lose in the month of April. I was thinking to do some dieting just to break this plateau but after some thought, no thanks! I’m going to stick with my No Diet, Diet. This basically consists of me eating whatever I want while choosing to make healthier choices. For me, when it comes to weight loss, I’m a heavy proponent of working out more verses heavy dieting, your body needs food. So, I will be doing some “2 a day” workouts and prayerfully I will see the results next month!

30 miles in 30 days Update: Day 21 of 30, 14.73 miles (I miscalculated the days on last week’s Wellness Wednesday Post, it should have been day 17 of 30). I will be starting this challenge again on Monday, May 13th! If you would like to join me, let me know so that you can link up with me and you can also chime in on Twitter at #30miles30days.

Linking up with Pharr Away, Style Elixir, Funny PostPartum Lady!


  1. Such style, as usual! I love your no diet, diet! I feel the same way. We are making much healthier choices but we eat as much and as often as we want. It’s a challenge to eat healthier but I’m finding that it can taste just as good. Now it’s just a matter of keeping our budget in tact! I hope you’re joking about the whole feeling so heavy stuff. You so don’t look like what the scale says. I weigh myself just to be weighing myself but it’s practically always the same and is never a true representation of how I look. I know you know that but just thought I’d say it any way :)!!!

    1. You’re doing an awesome job on the healthier choices. I’m taking tips from your blog on that! And thanks so much for the re-enforcement about the’feeling heavy thing’, I hate the scale! Most days I get over it (the numbers) and some days I let it get me…I’m good though, thanks :)!

  2. You’re awesome. I love the Idea of a no diet, diet and I completely agree with the concept. I need to start doing something myself and your blog is the final bit of inspiration I needed. Thanks!

    1. Awesome Serena!! Thank you and keep me posted on how you’re coming along ;)! Thanks for stopping by today!

    1. I’m so glad that it was! Thanks so much for stopping by to chat ;)!

  3. I love your style! That shirt is cute. I’ve eyed a few eyelet pieces, but haven’t found one I’ve liked too much! I’m just checking in!

    1. Thanks so much Mionna! I’ve been wanting to actually purchase some eyelet fabric to make some summer pieces with. Thanks for stopping by!!!

    1. Awesome Amanda, hope that you try it :)!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

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