Lovely Reminders!!!

Enter the $100 “Just Because” Giveaway!

Enter the $1000 Christmas Cash Giveaway!

Now to My Trip to the Zoo!
Every year I plan on attending at least one (1) field trip with my daughter and this year’s trip was to the NC Zoo! I was so excited because I had never been. The trip was about a 2 hour drive and we spent about 3.5 hours touring. The teacher paired the kids with friends that they generally hang around. So my daughter and I were paired with 4 other girls and their moms. The girls had a blast running, singing, dancing and cartwheeling on the trail!  I enjoyed meetng and getting to know the other parents…I love those opportunities to meet kids and the parents that my child will be essentially growing up with. For me, attending these events gives me a sense of being an involved parent, not only at home with school work. It means alot to my daughter when I am able to go…and who knows when that will change! zoo2Zoo

Are you a parent working outside the home? Do you find it challenging to stay involved with your kid(s)’ school activities? How do you stay involved?

You may also like this related article: Mommy Time Management
Linking up at the Mommy Monday Blog Hop and with Her and Nicole!


    1. Author

      Hi Tanya, Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a thoughtful response! I will definitely be checking out Small Victories linkup!! I hope that you are having a great week thus far!

  1. I guess I didn’t really respond to your questions. I worked outside the home since all 3 of my sons were born. I just left my job in June to refocus on my family and spend some time with my youngest before he’s in school full time and I miss my chance. I love being a stay at home mom and don’t miss the rat race for one minute! But, I still haven’t been on too many school field trips with my kids, actually I can only think of one. Looks like I need to fix that!

    1. Author

      Attending field trips aren’t the easiest to coordinate but I found just making the committment to attend 1 per year, helps me to go ahead and schedule the time from work and such. It’s fun and a time to bond and meet the other kids and parents! Again, I really appreciate you stopping by and commenting! Take care!

  2. Who can’t love the zoo? We enjoy our trips to the zoo and it looks like you did too! Thanks for sharing and Linking Up with us at the Mommy Monday Blog Hop!

    1. Author

      Thanks so much for having me at the Hop! I enjoy connecting with other moms and getting feedback from everyone! A great hop! Hope you’re having a great week!

  3. oh how I miss those days… and was just thinking about when my sons were young and we went to the Zoo and to the Soul Circus. Cherish these days as they do go by too quickly!

    1. Author

      Awww, it already seems like time is flying by. My 2 year old boy has become so independent…it make me a little sad!

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