Red Fringe for Christmas…YAS! Oh my goodness, I love this dress…another amazing piece from Standrey Thrift! If you missed the super chic Adorned Sweater from Standrey, check it out here. I’m telling you, you have got to checkout this online thrift store for some unique finds especially for your Holiday and New Year’s Eve celebrations. I have several pieces that I have my eye on! But for now, Red is the new Black, this Christmas!
Red Fringe-6Red Fringe-3 Red Fringe-4 Red Fringe-5  Red Fringe-7
Red Fringe-2
Red Fringe-8

Wearing: Dress (Sponsored): Standrey Thrift | Clutch: BCBG {similar} | Shoes: Mia {similar}

Style Tip: Wear tons of Red this Christmas season…nothing says Tis the Season like Red!


  1. NAtasha!!! You better wear and model this dress! Absolutely beautiful, and I want one. I am convinced…headed over to Standrey Thrift now!

    1. Author

      Thanks so much Nicole! There are so many cool and unique pieces there!

  2. Yes ma’am and yes ma’am again!! This is beautiful! Both the picture and the outfit/shoes combo!

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