Along with all of your other goals for the year, don’t forget one of THE most important ones…Relationship Goals! It’s no secret that great relationships take work, so its great to set goals in this area just as you would for everything else that’s important in your life!  Relationship Goals

So here are 2018 Must Haves for Growth in your relationships:

  1. Laugh More. They say laughter is like medicine and I so believe this is true even in our relationships! Sometimes it pays to not take things so serious. And most times when you have disagreements, you look back and you are able to laugh about them anyway.
  2. Date More. I can not stress this enough. Dating your spouse is so important. The Hubs and I did a 52 Dates Challenge…you’ve heard me mention this many times and it was amazing for our relationship!
  3. Read More. Sounds weird but what I mean here is by doing a devotional together. There are so many awesome couple’s devotionals out there. From daily to weekly ones, so you can choose one that best fits your schedule.
  4. Get Away. If you have kids, you are not always afforded the opportunity to get away but it is really important to spend that alone time together. It doesn’t have to be for an extended time frame or even overnight. You can plan an awesome day trip! This just takes a bit more planning but so worth it.
  5. Share a hobby. Now for this, you could take on a new hobby together, like dancing. The Hubs and I had a ball at our dance lessons last year. Or you can just be more intentional about learning more about your significant other’s favorite hobby and join in with them in some way.

Relationship Goals


  1. I love this piece. Such a good idea to have New Year’s goals not just about you but about your relationship.

    1. Thank you!

  2. Love this post! Of all your suggestions – I can’t agree with you more on #2: date more!! With kids in the mix, it’s all about finding the time to reconnect and bond as a couple. <3

    1. It’s so true…finding that time to connect and bond!

  3. These are all great suggestions I especially like the 52 date challenge. That seems like that would’ve been a lot of fun, and I think I would enjoy doing that with my husband.

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, it’s about time to try the challenge again!

  4. I love all 5 of these! I don’t even know where to start! Laughing is a must for me. I work a high stress job, so I typically put on standup comedy when I get home. I’m not married, but keeping the romance alive with my boyfriend is always a priority. And then, the much needed “me time”. All great goals!

    1. I feel you with the hight stress job…I’ve been there so yes laughing more is a must! And I love looking at standup comedy, it really is a stress relief!

  5. Dating dating dating! Agreed! So important! Makes you see things differently in a new, relaxing environment!

    1. Yes, I love it!

  6. I love this, and your date more challenge, it is so important to stay connected with your spouse after many years and this is such a great way to do so.

    1. Thanks so much!

  7. Love reading this and thanks for all the tips. Its important to focus on this relationship too.

    1. Yes, thanks so much!

  8. Thanks so much for this these are really great tips! I totally agree with you on finding a hobby 🙂

    1. Thanks so much!

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