Love Languages

Have you ever felt like you were doing everything right in your relationship but seemingly not pleasing your mate? If that is you, the question is…Are you speaking the right Love Language to your significant other? What I mean by Love Language is the way that you express your love toward them. My husband and I are reading The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. It speaks of the importance of understanding what your spouse needs from you and what you need from your spouse. In addition to reading the book, we completed an online Love Language Assessment in which you answer several questions and at the end, it tells you what your Love Language is. By knowing your spouse’s or significant other’s love language, you are able to express love to them in such a way that will be conveyed to them more deeply.

The 5 Love Languages are:

1. Words of Affirmation – Verbal compliments or words of appreciation.

2. Quality Time – Giving someone your undivided attention.

3. Receiving Gifts – Receiving a gift makes all the difference in the world.

4. Acts of Service – Actions speak louder than words.

5. Physical Touch – Appropriate touch speaks deeply.

To give you an example of how this works, if your love language is Acts of Service but your significant other showers you with gifts; you would feel somewhat slighted because gifts are not as valuable to you. In the same vein, if your language is Acts of Service, you would rather your significant other wash the dishes and clean the house before he bought you a gift. You get the picture? Can you see how knowing each other’s love language can make a difference in how you communicate love to them?

I highly recommend the book and assessment to enhance any love relationship. Great relationships DO NOT just happen, they take work! Click here for more information on the 5 Love Languages and additional resources.


  1. I love that book so much. my hubs and I speak opposite love languages. it made life so much easier when we realized that.

    1. Author

      Yes Suzzie, we love the book as well and it has definitely enhanced our relationship. Thanks so much for stopping by!

    1. Author

      Yes, that can very well be the case, that your languages are getting crossed. After taking the assessment, I found that my hubby and I definitely had different languages…WoW, I’m telling you it has made a huge difference. It allows me to focus my energy on the things that will count most! I do hope you get the book. Thanks so much for stopping by!

    1. Author

      Yes, April, it would be a great read for you two! The online assessment is pretty cool & painless too!

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