Shame Robs Us But God Restores Us

Can I tell you that shame shaped many years of my life. Because shame robs us but God restores us.

You see, to some degree, it dictated how I acted towards others and how I interacted with others. It dictated how I spoke and what I shared. And it affected my relationship with Christ and with others.

Even though I’d asked God to forgive me and I knew that I was forgiven, shame still kept me from fully and freely worshipping God.

It kept me from sharing my faith with others. And it kept me from freely telling others about the goodness of God. And it kept me from going to God with boldness.

You see shame is defined as a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.

And Yep! That was me and maybe that was you. Maybe that is you. Having done some wrong and foolish things.

But when we come to Christ with all of our mess. With all of our baggage and with all of our junk and confess it to Him. He forgives it. And He forgives it all. And there is no longer any condemnation over it.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 KJV

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Romans 8 KJV

You see Shame robs us but God restores us.

Shame tries to comes in.
To try to keep and hold us captive.

My mind would say, “you’re just using these scriptures to make yourself feel better”.

But the truth is, those very verses are the truth of the Word of God.

Because here’s the thing with shame. If we allow it, shame will rob and steal what is ours. Shame will paralyze us, keeping us from living the life that God wants for us.

And we can either let it hinder the path that God has placed us on. Or we can believe and trust GOD. And the truth of His Word.

So I choose to trust God and I pray that you will too!
Because shame robs us but God restores us.

For me, I’ve become more free from shame over the years through some deep “soul work”. And as layer upon layer of the onion peel, so to speak, is removed, a much freer version of myself is revealed.

My beautiful friend Martha, who also happens to be a Pastor spoke one Sunday and what she said hit me right between the eyes… she said “I am not the standard but God is…”

Those words rang out so clear to me as it related to shame.
Like WHOA 😮!
That’s absolutely right.

Shame says that you have no right to share the Gospel because of your past.
It says that you have no right to serve. And it says that you have no right to share your faith.

You see, shame wants to keep you silent about God and where God has brought you from.

But we are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Revelation 12:11 KJV

So because Jesus is the standard and not us. And because He has redeemed us, you and I can speak freely about God. We can freely worship God and we can freely come to Him. Boldly, without any shame.

Shame, like fear is a tool of the enemy to keep us from fulfilling our purpose.

So don’t let shame rob you. Of your calling and purpose. And all that God has for your life.

So Lord, right now I pray for all those who are carrying shame. I lift them up to you that you will cover them with your love and with your grace. And I pray that they will come to know that in your forgiveness there is no condemnation. I pray that they will come to realize that there is no shame in you. And I pray that they will bring all of there shame to you, place it at your feet and leave it there. And that they will no longer walk in shame but in the grace in knowing that they are free in you. In Jesus name. Amen.

I hope that you enjoyed “Shame Robs Us But God Restores Us”. For more encouragement, connect with me via my monthly newsletter here or across social media. On Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Shame Robs Us But God Restores Us