
Week 7: The Anchor that Holds, {Previous Weeks}

A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:8 (KJV)

Have you ever met someone who said one thing but did the opposite? Or someone who is up one day then the next they are down? Is that person you? If it is, it’s ok because we all get that way!

The question is, how do we stay of the same mind; stable and sound in all of our thoughts and emotions?

The answer is by staying anchored to the one that never changes, and that’s God! The sole purpose of an anchor is to prevent a boat/craft from drifting due to wind or current. We know that the world around us is forever pulling and tugging us in different directions like the wind. Therefore, we need an anchor…something that’s unmovable.

Hebrews 13:8 (NIV) states that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever! So, the closer we stay connected to the ANCHOR, the more stable we will become. Keep pressing toward a closer relationship with God and though the trouble(s) around you may not change, your perspective will. Take heart and be encouraged! Jesus is the Anchor that Holds!!


  1. Thanks for another devotion that was very timely. It is such a blessing to be able to feel the peace of God surrounding you even when everything else is going off the rails…..have a great week!

    1. Author

      Thanks so much Lynne! I’m really enjoying the series as it speaks to me each week as well. God is Awesome! I pray you are having an awesome week!

  2. This situation happens quite often. I learn from God, slow to speak but quicken to listen.

    1. Author

      Yes Vanessa, you are right! And I’m continuing to learn!

  3. Another home run with this weeks devotional. It’s true as long as you stayed anchored to God he will prevail and you will get through any hardship you may come across. I have learned through recent events that God always has a plan for us and everything happens in his time. We may not see something as a blessing at the time we’re going through it but as soon as the storm passes we will see that, that difficult time we just overcame was a good thing. God always prevails. Thank you once more for this beautiful verse and devotional. You always make my day with these.

    1. Author

      Thanks so much! I’m so glad that it spoke to you as it spoke to me! God is awesome and so ever present in our times of need!

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