The Lord will Fight for you

The Lord will fight for you.

I remember how Moses was hurting for his people, the Israelites.
Because they were oppressed and being mistreated by the Egyptians.

Unknown to Moses at the time, God already had a plan for His people. And Moses was included in that plan to be used by Him to deliver the Israelites from bondage.

Moses goes before Pharaoh saying, “Let my people go”.

This goes on several times as the story goes…then the plagues took place. And then finally, finally, Pharaoh lets the people go.

Now recall the scene from the book of Exodus, after Pharaoh heard that the Israelites had left, he changed his mind. He regretted having let them go. And so, he proceeded to chase after them.

The children of Israel found themselves with Pharaoh and his army on one side of them and the Red Sea on the other.

And when it looked like there was no place for them to go…Moses tells the people, to stand firm in the Lord and then goes on to tell them one of my favorite verses…

The Lord will fight for you.

“The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14 NIV

And just when the enemy thought that they had them cornered, as instructed by the Lord, Moses holds up his staff and stretches it out over the sea.

And just like that, the Red Sea was parted for them.

So right now, you may be feeling depressed, oppressed or boxed in.
Like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, restless or as if you are cornered by the enemy and the Rea Sea, like the children of Israel.

Just know, as the sea was parted for the children of Israel, God will part the sea for you too.

Look to Him and behold the salvation of the Lord…

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The Lord will fight for you