What if “to wait on the Lord”, didn’t necessarily mean the act of staying and resting in expectation for God to do something for us. But for us to do something for God. 

To wait on the Lord

What if “waiting on the Lord” just looked like “serving” Him?

I had this thought the other day and it totally blew me away. And now I just can’t shake the thought of it.

And it made me rethink Isaiah 40:31.

Which says, “But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles,They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 NKJV.

Now I remember waiting on tables in college at a restaurant on campus. Now mostly students would come in but we would also get some faculty and staff as customers.

And I remember how excited we were to see them because we knew that faculty or staff would actually leave a tip.

As a waitress, we’d ask…”Hi, how are you today? How can I help you? Or what can I get for you? 

And throughout the customer’s time there, we’d check in on them. With a “Do you need anything else?” Or “Is there anything else that I can do for you?

We were very careful in serving them and serving them well.
Being careful to not spill their drinks and their food. As we loaded our carrying trays with their dishes. 

Because we wanted to serve them well, in waiting on them! 

And this is the thought that the Lord gave me about “waiting on the Lord”…

It’s MORE about serving God than waiting on Him to serve us.

Because we were not made for God to do “stuff” for us. But we were made by Him for Him to do stuff for Him. To fulfill His plans and purposes. 

So when we get up in the morning we can “wait on the Lord” by asking Him…, “how can I help in fulfilling your plans and purposes on today”, “what can I do for you today”!

May we wait on the Lord by serving Him and serving Him well.
And in doing so we will renew our strength.
We will run and not be weary.
And we will walk and not faint.

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To Wait on the Lord