Here’s to kicking off Week 1 of the Summer Hair Challenge with a ‘Two Strand Twists’ Style. Here are the steps for this style.

  1. I simply sectioned my hair into small pieces using my fingers to part.
  2. Next braided at the root of the hair and then twisted the hair using two strands of hair.
  3. My hair was dry so I sprayed my hair with water using a water bottle to dampen the hair.
  4. I then applied Eco Natural Curl ‘n Styling Cocktail and Motions for Natural Textures Define My Curls Crème to each section prior to twisting.

This style took a little over an hour and a half. My inspiration for this look, came from this YouTube video for Wearable Two-Strand Twists {here}! An awesome tip from the video is the braiding of the hair at the root before you start your twists in order for the hair to lay closer to the scalp. Awesome, Awesome tip!

Two Strand Twists

Follow me on Instagram to see how I style these twists throughout the week!

Don’t forget to tag your pics with #SummerHairChallenge!


  1. Your hair looks soo pretty. Love that you’re rocking your natural (no heat) hair. You look beautiful with all different hair styles so I’m really not surprised that this looks as fab as it does. Work it girl

    1. Author

      Thanks girl!

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