As a believer, there is no way around it, every day, every minute, every second, every hour, we need more of Jesus.

We Need More of Jesus

Because just when I think I have enough patience, I’m met with an instance or encounter that shows me that I am still in need of more. 

Like when I’m in a hurry and find myself driving behind a car that’s not even going the speed limit. Or when the kids are seemingly getting on my last nerve. Or when I’m just tired of waiting because it feels like I’ve been waiting for too long.

Oh my patience has grown so much over the years. Because life has a way of instilling it into you. Through tests, trials and challenging times.

James 1:3 says “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.”

So I’ve definitely grown in patience.
But there is still room for more.

And at times, I feel like this is our attitude towards Christ. 

Like “I got it God, I have enough of you”. 

And with this attitude, we don’t pray as much.
We don’t read or study the Word as much. 
And we don’t get into His presence enough.

No, we don’t voice this with our mouth.
But we speak it loud and clear in our hearts and through our actions.

Matthew 15:8-9 NIV says “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.”

We’ve put away our “WWJD” (what would Jesus do) bracelets and have decided to navigate through life, making our own decisions based on a hunch or a feeling. While never once consulting God. Through His Word or even wise counsel. And we wonder why our life is the way it is…

I’ve been there.
And I’m still there, in some areas of life, if I’m being honest. 

But I must make a shift.
We must make a shift.

A shift to recalibrate our life, daily, toward the cross. 
Toward the Word of God and toward the things of God and His Kingdom. 

Because just when I think, just when we think we have enough of God, it’s a direct indication that we need Him.

Oh, we need you Lord.
Oh, how we need thee.

Even more. 
Even still.

As the deer pants after the water, may our soul long after you.
May our soul long for more and more of you. 

I hope that you enjoyed this article ‘We Need More of Jesus’. For more inspiration, connect with me via my monthly newsletter here.

We Need More of Jesus