Some say that Variety is the Spice of Life! Variety in your workout regimen is essential to avoiding hitting a plateau. I know this to be a fact; however, I still found myself at a plateau. So, my husband invited me to do sprint training with him, knowing that I really wanted to tone up before the Show. I was thinking, this would be really cool; sweating it out with my hubby, just running to burn some extra calories. Well, Well…I quickly found out that sprinting is the TRUTH! And what I mean by that is, the intensity of it, really shocks the body! Muscle soreness set in almost immediately, as if I hadn’t worked out in my entire life.

My 1st sprint training was on Saturday 7/20 then again on yesterday 7/23. This was in addition to my regular workouts of jogging and strength training. Here is what it involved: My husband timed me with a stopwatch, running as hard as I could for a distance of about 50 meters. Each time, the goal was to beat my quickest time ran. We repeated this for a total of 8 times. When you sprint, you are basically using your whole body…core, legs, arms. Ouchie! Stretching and soaking in the tub were a must. But No Pain = No Gain, right!

There are many benefits to sprint training but what has most interested me, is its effectiveness in Fat Burning! As I’ve mentioned, I am not a proponent of any type of supplements for weight loss, fat burning, etc., so this natural way of burning fat has me SUPER excited! Burn Baby Burn!

Check out Olympic Sprinter, Allyson Felix…fully sculpted!



{Photo via}

As if Allyson’s pic isn’t enough to get you motivated, Eight Reasons Everyone Should Do Sprints is an awesome article discussing why Sprint Training is so effective and its benefits!

Linking up with Get Fit Healthy Life!

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…Only suggestions:

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  1. Allyson certainly is a motivating figure. I’m just trying to get to running and now you are throwing sprints out there. Way to raise the bar! I’m impressed that you are keeping it up. I’m in the process of surrounding myself with fitness motivators as I begin my exercise journey. I recently completely changed my family’s diet. Exercise is the next step. I’m going to be back to visit often. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    1. Author

      I was exactly where you are about 4 years ago, just trying to get into running and I still can’t believe sometimes that I can actually run now. I remember when I seriously started, I could not even run for 1 minute now I can run 30 minutes or longer straight. Small gains was key and working up an endurance. I’m excited for you and I look forward to linking up each week! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. I definitely loved watching Allyson in the Olympics this past year! And go you! I actually could have only imagined what was involved with the sprint training. I’m sure if I asked my husband about it he would love to teach me a thing or two. He was a sprinter in high school and a track coach for many years. He’s itching to get back to that actually. 🙂 I didn’t know you had a hop every week! I will try to remember to link up to that! Thanks for linking up such great content to the Get Fit Friday hop! I always enjoy reading your posts! <3

    1. Author

      That’s cool about your hubby! My hubby ran track in HS as well and getting back into it! Thanks for hosting the Get Fit Hop and please do link up with me on Monday’s for the Twitter Linkup and Wednesday for the Lovely Connection Hop!

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