Woman Evolve

Have you ever heard the saying that your past doesn’t define you? Or someone telling you “don’t let your past define you”?  I know I truly believe in this. But, it is easier said than done. 

And I think it’s because although we know that we are forgiven from our past by God, there still may be people that have not forgotten. 

Or those that may even remind us of our past. 
Maybe we even remind ourselves. 
Or have a hard time forgiving ourselves.

So here comes Eve

The “Eve” of Adam and Eve, from the Garden of Eden in the book of Genesis in the Bible. The one who ate the fruit. That is basically known for ruining it all for all of creation. 

But the truth is, so many of us are like Eve when we thought we had nothing in common with her.

I love what Sarah Jakes Roberts says in her new book “Woman Evolve”. She says, “We’re so blinded by her (Eve’s) mistake that we don’t see how she gathered the pieces she had left and dared to revolutionize her life.” 

How so very true. 
And it makes me want to know more about this Eve…

So, I was excited to receive a complimentary copy of “Woman Evolve” to review. I knew that it would be a good read, but I didn’t expect it to be this good. It reminds me so much of the awesome books that I have read by her father, T.D. Jakes. 

It is an easy read. 
And there are so many valuable nuggets throughout.

I loved all of the imagery of the garden, Adam and of Eve.
And it is packed with so much biblical truth and practical insight.

I found myself underlining and writing in the margins, as I tend to do when a book is speaking to me.

Roberts does a wonderful job unpacking who she calls her “friend Eve”. And the notion that we all have some Eve in us, “knowing better but not doing better”. 

I know I’ve been there.
So, this really resonated with me.

Within the 11 chapters of the book, you get a better understanding of the following, from the book’s description:

“Everyone faces trials, and everyone will mess up. But failure should not be the focus. Your focus should not be on who you were but rather the pursuit of who you can become. In Woman Evolve, Sarah helps you to understand that your purpose in life does not change; it evolves.

Making her mistake in the Garden of Eden, Eve became the first woman to deal with rebuilding her life in the aftermath of her past. Eve knew better, but she didn’t do better. With scriptural lessons and Sarah as your guide, you discover and work through

  • past issues and questions that haunt you,
  • seeing yourself as God sees you and trusting Him with who you really are,
  • how to come out of darkness and pursue a real relationship with God,
  • why it’s important to truly care for yourself,
  • setting in motion the beautiful seed that God planted in you, and
  • running to become who you were meant to be!

Your fears and insecurities may have changed how you viewed God, others, and yourself, but in Woman Evolve, you can breakthrough and use past mistakes to get into a new orbit. Like Eve, you don’t have to live your future defined by your past.”

I believe that this book is needed today for those who are having a hard time forgiving themselves or who believes the lie that God cannot use them because of their past. 

After reading, you will no longer view Eve the same. And I believe that you will no long view yourself the same.

Now, here is your opportunity to enter for your chance to win your own free copy here!

Woman Evolve