Last night while I was helping my daughter with her reading homework, I received such an awesome blessing from God! One of the homework requirements is to read for at least 15 minutes each night. So last night, my daughter picked out a book and I decided to take turns reading with her …she read one page and I read the next (btw she’s an excellent reader). The story was called You Are Mine by Max Lucado. This is a spoiler alert…here’s the gist of it {Book Cover via}:

You Are MineThere’s a  group of wooden people and all of them are trying to obtain stuff to prove that they are most important and the highest of all other people. One of them, sold all that he had, even his house, in order to buy more stuff to prove that he was as good as everyone else. One of the people had the grande idea that whoever reached the top of the highest mountain with all of their stuff, that person would indeed be the greatest of all the people. The main character started out his journey up the mountain but due to all the stuff, he could not see clearly and got off course and ended up at the maker’s house. His maker asked him some very important questions. Do you play with the stuff? Does the stuff make you happy? What did you lose because of the stuff, etc? In the end, the main character had lost everything due to obtaining the stuff that he thought would make him happy. The main character was embarrassed because of his wrong thinking, but the maker was not mad at him. The maker just told him that he was trusting in the wrong things…he was trusting in that “stuff” to make him happy more than HIS MAKER and that his joy should come from the mere fact that he is HIS!

I was totally choked up while reading that particular page because it really spoke to my current situation with my career ambitions. The main character is analogous to us, as humans and the maker is God. So often in life, we chase after recognition, rewards, promotions (I could go on and on), either consciously or subconsciously while God is saying all you need in life to be happy and to have joy is knowing that You Are Mine! (Sighing….) I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted! I truly hope that this blessed you as much as it blessed me, just being reminded that I am God’s and that all these “other things” don’t matter in comparison! What an excellent book for children to read! I truly believe that as we teach these truths to our children; they will be more than overcomers as they journey through their own life!

Linking up with The Squishable Baby and Her and Nicole!



  1. Wow, what a revelation…from a children’s book at that. This had me all teary-eyed (although I’m quite emotional as of late)! Incredible!!!

    1. Author

      I know right! It totally caught me off guard but I SO needed it! God is always speaking to us, we only need to be ready to listen! Love you!

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