Summer Break is here! Or almost. But for most it’s here. We actually finish up this week and it’s time to celebrate, relax and enjoy the summer, right? Right! So I’m sharing 10 Things for Summer Break. Understanding that some of you Lovelies may not have the entire summer off but will have some time off for a little R&R so this list can still be helpful. And if you need some cost saving summer activities for the kids, checkout this previous post here.

10 Things for Summer Break

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10 Things for Summer Break

10 Things for Summer Break

  1. Summer Movies. YAS, I love love when the summer movie list hits. We have several on our radar that are due to be released this month.
  2. Visit your local Zoo or Aquarium. Great for the entire family. And we’re on schedule for an Aquarium visit since we visited the Zoo earlier in the school year. Educational and fun…I love that combo.
  3. Soak in the sun at the Lake or Beach. One of my favorites is the Beach. Nothing like the sand in your toes and the calming sound of the ocean. And oh how I wish we had a lake house lol…a girl can dream and wish!
  4. Visit with Family. Because Family is Everything. You should take time to visit those that you aren’t able to see as often. I was so happy to have attended my Family Reunion a few weeks ago. I literally “met” a whole room full of family members that I didn’t know. How’s that!
  5. Get Craftsy. You can free-style it here, if you are like me you’ve got plenty of art supplies around the house. But if not you can sign-up for an art class, like painting or pottery.
  6. Read a Book. Because reading is fundamental, when was the last time you read a book for leisure? Summer break is the perfect time to pick up that book that you’ve been wanting to read. And the plus is that you can take it with you to the lake or beach or even pool side.
  7. Volunteer. It’s always always great to give back to your community via your time. Now there are tons of local organizations that would love the extra helping hands. I know for me, it always feel so good to serve in the community.
  8. Enjoy an Amusement Park. This is always fun and if you’re lucky enough to have one close by, you can make it a day trip.
  9. Complete a Project. Like that room makeover that you’ve been wanting to finish. We’ll actually be starting on a room makeover this week. Maybe I’ll post about it, :)!
  10. Have a Staycation. Send the kids to camp and have a staycation. Enjoy some alone time at home for some self-care time.

10 Things for Summer Break

10 Things for Summer Break 10 Things for Summer Break

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