15 Things Learned 1st Year Homeschooling

15 Things Learned 1st Year Homeschooling

15 Things Learned 1st Year Homeschooling. I compiled this list as kind of a momento…something to look back on years from now and say boy, I’ve learned a lot more since then. But wanted to share as it may help you in your homeschool journey. I do know that it’s not all inclusive but I believe it touches on most points that I’d liked to note.

  1. It’s not for the faint of heart-it’s one of the toughest things I’ve ever done.
  2. Creating an environment that is conducive to learning is important-we turned our study into a classroom.
  3. Breaks and Resets are your friend. It’s so easy to get drained especially if you are teaching more than one child. Be sure to take time for breaks and to reset when you need to.
  4. Joining a homeschool group is a must. Activities with other homeschoolers, meeting with other Moms is a great way to connect with like-minded people.
  5. Lesson planning beyond a week or two is non-value added. Things change…that is all.
  6. Schedule year-end testing early. I waited so last minute to scheduling the annual exam. It wasn’t pretty but we got it in by doing the Stanford 10 online, we ended up liking it but we planned on taking a different test.
  7. Kids have different learning styles. Whether this is because of age difference or just how each kid is made up…they learn differently and it is important to teach them accordingly such that your teaching is effective.
  8. What works for one family may not work for yours. I love hearing what other homeschool families are doing but homeschool is not a one size fits all. You have to find out what works for you. I take what I learn from other homeschoolers to see “how” I can apply it, if at all.
  9. Be up for the challenge to make adjustments where needed, whether in schedule, or in the pace you’re teaching. I found that we were moving way too fast in a few subjects when there was really no need to so I made adjustments to the schedule to cover less material over the course of the week.
  10. The kids are always learning whether you know it or not. I find the kids asking what would be considered “school” type questions all the time.
  11. Encouragement goes a long way! The kids love hearing a “great job” or”awesome work”!
  12. Don’t over load your schedule. Whoo I had SOME schedule at the beginning of the school year, beginning last August. Then baby girl came along in January and busted that right up…the schedule was too much so I had to make adjustments.
  13. Outsource things as you see fit…I taught everything this past year including elective type classes. I plan to outsource things like music, foreign language and maybe art classes.
  14. Kids love structure. Our kids tend to do very well with routine and schedules.
  15. People may not understand your choice to homeschool or your choice to homeschool may differ from other homeschoolers. Remember why you are doing what you are doing and why it’s important to you.

What has been your homeschool experience or what are you hoping for your experience to be?