3 Ways to Connect to your Faith This Summer

3 Ways to Connect to your Faith This SummerAre you experiencing the Summer heat waves yet? We have now officially entered the season of backyard barbecues, cooling off at the pool or the beach. And having fun in the sun! These sunny days and quality family time over the summer can certainly put one in a good mood. But sometimes we are in need of a spiritual reset. And the summer break is the perfect timing for it. So, I’m sharing 3 Ways to Connect to Your Faith This Summer and give you that reset you may need.

Engage with Nature

There’s rarely a better way to grow closer to the Creator than to fully immerse yourself in His beautiful creation that surrounds us. There are many verses of the Bible that remind us of how the Lord connects to us through nature. You can explore ways to rejoice in the majesty of his creation and feel that connection. You can hike trails, walk along the ocean, or go birdwatching. Or take a nature walk with your family, and pray together in thanks for the grace he provides and the beauty of his glory.

Engage in Devotionals & Prayer

Another great way to connect with your Faith this summer is to start new daily habits through daily devotionals. Did you know that it takes only 21 days to form a new habit? So wake up and enjoy your morning coffee while reading your Bible on the porch. This is sure to start your day off with inspiration and clarity that only the Word can bring. While the kids are home on summer break, pick one day of the week where the family can get together. To read the Bible, and bond and grow with wisdom that can carry all of you through each week.

We’ve been continuing our Bible Art Journals during break. Keeping it fun for the kids by strengthening their drawing skills while continuing to learn more of God’s Word. Reaching out to the Lord through nightly prayer is a great way to unwind, reflect, and ease your mind before you go to sleep.

Engage in Fellowship

Don’t let church on Sundays be the only instances that you are spending time with your close Christian friends. God often speaks to us the clearest when we are engrossed in fellowship with our Christian friends and community. Invite your friends and their families from Church over for a cookout on a sunny weekend. Or attend outdoor events and worship services that your Church might be holding throughout the summer. Try to plan some date ideas with other Christian couples such as a movie night or going to a Christian concert.

What are some ways that you keep your faith at the center of your life over the summer?