4 Things To Do When Life Seems Hard

4 Things To Do When Life Seems Hard

There are days when I don’t feel like being present, when I just want to get away. Do you remember the old commercial…calgon take me away…I was only 10 years old but I remember it.

YouTube video.

…thats how I feel some days, I just want to get away, like far far away. But as a wife and mom, among many other things, that’s not an option. Life is so busy, often with no time to digress, to wind down, or to reflect. I guess it’s almost a ‘burnt out’ feeling. Like I’m running a hundred miles per hour with no rest break in sight. Well on such days, I have to actively ‘PUSH‘ myself. So I’m sharing 4 things that I do when I don’t feel like being present that can help PUSH you through your hard days.

1. P: Praise. Put the focus on all the things that are good. 

It is so very easy to complain or to be discontent with your current state, to think about all the things that you can’t do or are unable to do because of life events, kids or other responsibilities. BUT when we begin to praise and to thank God for all the things that he has done, things immediately begin to become brighter. The good always out way the bad. We must put on the garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3) as my Pastor just spoke about a few weeks ago.

2. U: Undo. Undo undue expectations.

With my type personality, I really tend to expect things to be or go a certain way most times which is really not the way to live nor is it realistic. Placing undue expectations on people or situations is really a set up…we just can’t control other people or really what happens most of the time. But we can control our response. So undue some of those lofty expectations you may have placed on others, situations or even yourself.

3. S: Simplify. Let some things go.

I am such a ‘take on a project’ type of person. I add on and add on. Well some things do not absolutely need to get done that day or at all…your ‘like to haves’, let them go to declutter your day or your life.

4. H: Help others. Shift your focus from yourself.

It seems so backwards but helping others takes the focus off of ourselves. Every time that I do something to help someone, I always feel better! For me, right in my home, it’s my children and my husband. Asking what can I do for them today?

What are things that you do when life seems hard?


  1. Suffering from depression these tips will surely come in handy. Right now my struggle is letting things go. Easier said than done for me 🙁

  2. Great tips! I try to always let things go. Sometimes that’s easier said than done though.

    When life seems super hard, I stuff my face with chocolate if I’m being honest.

  3. These tips are perfect and the really help especially number 1. Everyday I get up and praise the Lord for waking me up, for my husband and my kids.

  4. I love them all! If your not pleased with yourself then turn to someone else! I think I lack the most in praise. I need to appreciate what I have and accept what I have.

  5. Praising is always a way to get me to my happy place! When I’m lifting up the One who lifts me up my whole attitude can change. I love a nice hot shower to clear my head too!

  6. yes! yes! and more yes to all of this! Praising is the fastest way to get my back to my happy place! I’m also a fan of taking a ime out and just having some me time

  7. I like to talk to my husband about it as he is WAY more practical (and a lot less emotional) than I am. It helps to be able to talk it out with someone who I know won’t judge me.

  8. Sometimes that’s easier said than done. I love all these things they are great reminder 🙂

  9. I LOVE these tips, Natasha! Particularly the one suggestions to help others. Not only does it help you get your mind off your own issues, but then you often realize your issues are minute compared to some of the trials others are going through. Looking forward to checking out more of your posts! 🙂

  10. Omg so many great tips!!!! I swear expectations kill us! Best to go into something with none at all

  11. Focusing on others does help get things going well again. That’s a very important tip you shared here.

  12. Loving all of your tips. It’s hard for me to let things go sometimes, but I definitely do try!

  13. Simple but powerful tips! I have got tough moment in my life now, so I believe following your advice could be really helpful.

  14. We all need to be reminded of this sometimes! Thank you! My favorite is letting go–it seems to be one of the constant things in life

  15. I spit my drink out laughing at the GIF of Fresh Prince Praising! LOL! Love it! Inspirational writing with great, light humor thrown in!

  16. This was interesting to read. These are great things to do when life seems to get hard.

  17. I love the gifs and video on this post :)) Awesome read full of humor :))

  18. your post is too funny, but i think it could be a big help for some person, thanks

  19. Great ideas to help you out! I think when we focus less on ourselves from time to time, we are able to find true happiness in serving others! Thanks for the great post, have a great day!

  20. I always remind myself to count my blessings. #2 and #3 are something I need to work more on. Thanks for sharing this great tips!

  21. These are all so great! Funny….but so so real! Let go!

  22. Oh I just love your tips! It’s definitely important to stay grounded when we can and to seek balance in areas of our lives. And definitely to reach out a helping hand.

  23. I love your tips so much! all of them are so great! Thinking on others, praise, let things go! all so helpful!

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