Be Not Bland – 3 Things For a Happier Day

If you have kids you know that there is NEVER a dull moment! Thankfully I’m all for keeping things fresh and interesting. Today I’m sharing 3 Things for a Happier Day especially for this Back to School season and how Sparkling Ice helps with my ‘Be NOT Bland’ Lifestyle!

Be Not Bland

I remember attending a blogger event and meeting some new fellow bloggers. When I introduced myself to one of them, she asked what I blogged about. So, I then precede with I’m a Lifestyle and Mommy blogger. She asks how many kids I have and I say four. She then says Wow, you look so put together to have kids :)! What a funny comment, yeah?

It was funny to me and something that I hadn’t thought about. But I feel that I’m able to stay ‘put together’ because my family (My Hubs and Kids) help out so that I can. One thing that they help with is with me getting in time for exercise and in turn meeting my water drinking goal for the day. And Sparkling Ice keeps my water intake far from being dull!

Sparkling Ice fits seamlessly into my lifestyle with helping me to stay hydrated and with 15 flavors to choose from it makes it even more appealing since I really don’t like drinking water. So not only am I getting my water in, I don’t have to worry about it being bland! It’s nicely packaged in a slender bottle that I can just throw into my purse as I’m going here and there. And you can grab them at Amazon.

Be Not Bland

3 Things For a Happier Day

  1. Ask for help. If you are anything like me, you try to do EVERYTHING on your own and rarely ask for help. The problem with this is ‘burn out’ comes fast and in a hurry if you make a habit of not asking for help. So ask for help when you need it. Many times we don’t have because we don’t ask. People who care for you really don’t mind helping.Be Not Bland
  2. Drink more water. Oh my goodness, I can’t emphasis this enough. We need water people! It’s essential to life lol, no seriously it is. We need it to make things move in our bodies and to remove toxins and waste. I’m continuously working on this. I’m always at my all time high when I’m nursing my babies but now that our last little has weaned my water intake has plummeted. So I’m super excited that Sparkling Ice is here to my rescue! To help with my water intake but not at the disposal of flavor!Be Not Bland
  3. Get proper rest. This is super important. Getting the proper rest helps to ensure a happier day. Have you ever tried to operate on lack of sleep? How was your mood? Yeah, you know, not the best. Of course, 8 hours of sleep has been the recommendation for years. However, you can find an amount that brings you to your happier place. That may be 7 hours. And rest does not only mean sleep, it can be taking breaks from social media, or TV.

Now that you have a few things that you can incorporate in your lifestyle to make it a happier day, be sure to pick up Sparkling Ice at Amazon to keep your “Be Not Bland” life full of flavor. Which flavor will you try?


  1. How awesome that they sell this product on Amazon. I swear Amazon sells everything! I also like your three points on how to have a happier day. I know I could improve by getting more rest.

  2. Mom of 4 here and definitely getting rest and lots of water helps us stay healthy. You have a beautiful family.

  3. I do love Sparkle Ice…especially because it helps me avoid beverages with higher caloric content. Nice post. Thank you!

  4. I love Sparkle Ice.I think everyone needs to take note of what makes them happy and do what they can maintain that. I need more water in my life and rest for me is hit or miss.

  5. When I did a low carb diet, I used this with heavy cream and it was a delicious treat.

  6. Having proper rest and getting help for some small tasks are some ways I keep myself happy.By drinking plenty of water,it is easy to stay hydrated and healthy.So,the day is always happy.Thanks for the tips!
    – Amila

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